¿iphones In Fuegia?

And likely to be exported to the World and neoghboring civilisations via our own space shuttle.

EVEN IF this ever becomes a reality, which I personally doubt, it is a rule of thumb that products assembled in TdF do not make the local market cheaper by any stretch of the imagination.
WHY on Earth would we want a locally ASSembled product that was last year's novelty and this year's most obvious old technology only to satisfy the Telco's urge to sell expensive plans while providing decreasingly lower quality services?
MAYBE I would experience a minimal change on heartbeat if this announcement was backed by any Apple related PR source. As it stands, I wonder if the products will stir a reaction from the official Apple channels and will benefit from any Official Customer Support.
What's going on, aren't the Chinese up to the task of producing these anymore?

I only read that someone is about to make a small bundle in import/export tax returns for faking job creation, technology developpment, etc. INDEC fantasy stuff.

Call me a cynic.
You're a cynic.
However, does it mean products assembled down there are inferior?
I'm hoping to get a Samsung Galaxy S3 soon which are put together down there. Should I be worried?
In fact the 32" LG LCD we bought in 2008 and the Samsung 27" monitor I'm looking at right now are both from TDF and I see no obvious problems. Touch wood.
As far as I know these products are assembled from imported components under control of the parent companies....LG, Samsung etc.
Nope, I'm thinking those products are not inferior.

BUT when you buy Apple goods you're usually buying not only quality and "status" but also support, warranty and other perks that as a rule are not part of what we locals expect to receive from ANY brand here in Blessed Argentonia.

As per the QC from parent companies, I wonder - and that's my point - how much involved they are if no official announcement has been made? For some obscure reason, the powers that be kind of targeted the iPhone imports years ago and banned them from distribution. One guesses the bakshish was likely not generous enough. Why, otherwise, exclude such a noticeable line of products from the ever growing Telco's flourishing business?

What's the point of assembling SMALL quantities of a product for almost exclusive local consumption if the end results is a product that costs as much if not higher than the same item elsewhere? And why bother getting the one product whose price will drop almost immediately in the near future?

As a more practical note, iP5 is well known for battery longevity issues. A battery is not something that is likely to be locally assembled. Methinks that assembling a line of products -they just open boxes of parts and put them together before boxing them again- is not the same as putting together a nationwide customer support service. Just saying.
Nope, I'm thinking those products are not inferior.

BUT when you buy Apple goods you're usually buying not only quality and "status" but also support, warranty and other perks that as a rule are not part of what we locals expect to receive from ANY brand here in Blessed Argentonia.

As per the QC from parent companies, I wonder - and that's my point - how much involved they are if no official announcement has been made? For some obscure reason, the powers that be kind of targeted the iPhone imports years ago and banned them from distribution. One guesses the bakshish was likely not generous enough. Why, otherwise, exclude such a noticeable line of products from the ever growing Telco's flourishing business?

What's the point of assembling SMALL quantities of a product for almost exclusive local consumption if the end results is a product that costs as much if not higher than the same item elsewhere? And why bother getting the one product whose price will drop almost immediately in the near future?

As a more practical note, iP5 is well known for battery longevity issues. A battery is not something that is likely to be locally assembled. Methinks that assembling a line of products -they just open boxes of parts and put them together before boxing them again- is not the same as putting together a nationwide customer support service. Just saying.

I expect it will be eons before we see an Apple Store in Buenos Aires (yeah, I know there's a lame clone in Palermo Soho).
For me, Apple or and Sony products only,they are quality, nothing else merits my hard earned money!
When replacement time comes, some brands brings very good resale value but others, _nada_no valor...!
So you have saved a little bit by going for the Sumsung/LG's but then no value to them..So no matter
how much money you saved by going the non-apple/sony way but at the end your money are wasted in the wind.!
I really don't know what you're talking about.
Top brands like Apple and Sony are imported and as such are f***ing expensive.
In fact almost anything imported is almost out of reach unless one knows or has the contacts.