100 Million dollar boondoggle coming down the pike. It’s pure genius.

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
While the whole world is dealing with the killer virus, Argentina's current government just signed a 111 million dollar deal with Israel to upgrade Argentina’s tanks. This plan was put forth by the FPV diputado Agustin Rossi back in 2015 during the Macri administration. But President Macri nixed the plan before it got off the ground. Rossi is the same guy that put his 26 year old daughter Delfina Rossi as head of the Nation Bank.
She resigned after Cristina left the presidency In 2009. Rossi's constituency attacked him with rotten tomatoes, eggs and horse manure when he visited his home province of Santa Fe. The contract with Israel was done without public bidding. Which means that the whole thing was rigged from the get go. I keep thinking why does Argentina needs 74 tanks to be fitted with state of the art technology?. Are we going to be invaded by some bordering country???. Not likely. The fleet of tanks about to be upgraded never saw a single day of action. Never.The $111 million dollar deal is custom made for big time skimming millions into the pockets of current politicos in charge.
111 divided by 74 comes to $1.5 million dollars per tank. All that money could be better spent on feeding the poor,
housing the homeless, create work study programs, increase the minimum wage for retirees, help the indigenous people of the North, etc. Today there are people that don’t have proper sewage or running water. I don’t think this a good time to be spending millions on tanks. The whole thing is a total scam. With Lazaro Baez at least people could see what work was being done or not. Who's going to see what if any or how many tanks are being upgraded ?.
How does the imf look at this....? What about the private creditors that were told there was no more money?

Cant pay your own bills but go down and get some spinning rims for the car.... Argentina the ultimate deadbeat country.
I don't have expertise on anti tank systems retrofits, but found this link on a deal done by Germany with the Israelis. Germany orders Israel’s Trophy active protection system for its Leopard 2 tanks (defensenews.com) . I can't defend outlays for weaponry by the Argentine government, but Brazil budgets USD $29 billion annually for defense, and Chile (5.1 billion) outspends Argentina( 4.2 billion ). Some might argue that all the nuclear warheads in the US triad system have proven their worth BECAUSE they never were used in battle, but their deterrence effect leant decades of stability. If I were an Argentine tank battalion crewman, I would not want to fight with 3rd rate obsolete systems. Unilateral disarmament is a tough choice.
The article is 04 JUL 15 - is there more recent coverage on this?

IF Argentina absolutely must spend money on defense right now... the immediate issues are obvious and maritime in nature. Not an invasion of Bolivian calvary on the Northern Border or Chilean gunboats to the South (who are too preoccupied being part of the progressive first world to even bother glancing sideways at lost cause like Argentina right now.)

The article is 04 JUL 15 - is there more recent coverage on this?

IF Argentina absolutely must spend money on defense right now... the immediate issues are obvious and maritime in nature. Not an invasion of Bolivian calvary on the Northern Border or Chilean gunboats to the South (who are too preoccupied being part of the progressive first world to even bother glancing sideways at lost cause like Argentina right now.)

It's disgusting the way the Chinese are exploiting the world's oceans of fish.. they are absolutely everywhere