

Feb 2, 2010
The worst Speaker of the House in history, Nancy Pelosi has come out and said that food stamps and unemployment "give the economy the biggest bang for our buck".

She then goes on to say that for every $1 spent with a food stamp, $1.79 goes back into the economy. WTF??

So, I'm interested to hear the fascists and liberal left on this forum explain her odd math.
bigbadwolf said:
She is probably referring to what is known as the multiplier effect. Usually covered in macroeconomics 101.

Could be, but I doubt she has any idea what that is. However, considering that any real economist rejects this ridiculous idea of "stimulation", you might have a point considering the current admin has ZERO economic or business experience.

Another example, the "stimulus" that has done nothing to stimulate or create jobs. By this idea of the multiplier effect, the economy should have somewhere in the range of 1.5 Trillion Dollars sweeping through the country, creating jobs, stimulating growth, etc etc etc. Not happening.
jaredwb said:
Could be, but I doubt she has any idea what that is.

She's a stupid corporate-controlled c*nt. That's what the Democrats are today.

However, considering that any real economist rejects this ridiculous idea of "stimulation", you might have a point considering the current admin has ZERO economic or business experience.

Obummer has none. He's just as stupid as Pelosi. But this jackass doesn't make economic policy. He gets paid to look grave and sombre. The puppet-masters remain the same -- shadowy finance capital. Obummer's key "advisors" are drawn from Wall Street.

Another example, the "stimulus" that has done nothing to stimulate or create jobs. By this idea of the multiplier effect, the economy should have somewhere in the range of 1.5 Trillion Dollars sweeping through the country, creating jobs, stimulating growth, etc etc etc. Not happening.

It wasn't meant to. Just a pretext for making sure the large financial firms and banks didn't go under. It's no "stimulus." All lies, smoke, and mirrors.

Both Paul Craig Roberts and Chris Hedges are using the taboo "r" word (revolution). The country's up the creek without a paddle.

The latest jobs report. According to the administration buffoons, the "recession" is now supposed to be over.
T*me f*r the Dudester ( wow, you go... my ma*n m*n) to participate in this.
darmanad said:
T*me f*r the Dudester ( wow, you go... my ma*n m*n) to participate in this.

Thanks for thinking about me darmanad. I'll make it easy for you and jaredwb. The US Government is COMPLETELY run by massive amounts of money - and then even more than that (on top of even more). That would be "contributions" from Big Business, The Ultra Rich (top 1 or 2%) and the Military Industrial Complex. It's pretty obvious and easy to figure out. The names Democrat and Republican are just there to distract (have people argue, thinking the parties are totally different when they are not).

The ultra right religious conservatives are also making a big noise with their anti-abortion/anti-gay freaking out - more distractions (BTW, these are social issues and therefore, IMHO, don't really belong in politics - we have bigger issues to deal with, MUCH bigger) With that said I just want out because, it seems, Quality of Life is not at all important in the US these days and I can't imagine anything turning around when we're in such a steep downward spiral. There's my view - pretty simple I would say.
Dudester said:
Thanks for thinking about me darmanad. I'll make it easy for you and jaredwb. The US Government is COMPLETELY run by massive amounts of money - and then even more than that (on top of even more). That would be "contributions" from Big Business, The Ultra Rich (top 1 or 2%) and the Military Industrial Complex. It's pretty obvious and easy to figure out. The names Democrat and Republican are just there to distract (have people argue, thinking the parties are totally different when they are not).

The ultra right religious conservatives are also making a big noise with their anti-abortion/anti-gay freaking out - more distractions (BTW, these are social issues and therefore, IMHO, don't really belong in politics - we have bigger issues to deal with, MUCH bigger) With that said I just want out because, it seems, Quality of Life is not at all important in the US these days and I can't imagine anything turning around when we're in such a steep downward spiral. There's my view - pretty simple I would say.

Have you been reading Glenn Becks "Common Sense"??? :):)

I'm with you here. Government is insanely out of control and the Repubs/Dems are just the same thing with different names.

Abortion, Gay Rights, and any other social matters, again agree 100% have NO PLACE IN POLITICS (at least at the Federal level). States have the rights (from the constitution) to make their own laws. If you don't like the laws in your state, move the heck out.

I consider myself more a Yuppie Conservative Rocker Pothead Libertarian, so while not a member of the Tea Party, I support many of the real issues they are screaming about (not what the Left says). Small Gov, less taxes, individual rights, and basically keeping the Gov the heck out of our lives.