2 Americans Teaching English Down Here


Mar 27, 2012
Hi all,
I moved down here about a month ago to teach English with my friend after graduating college in June. We've both landed jobs but are still having trouble finding an apartment. We've been living in a hostel in Abasto for the past month, which hasn't been too bad. Everyone here is really nice and its not too expensive, but sharing a room with 7 other people every night has gotten kind of old.

We've been told to check the ads in the newspapers, use sites like compartodepto.com, and other sites like that. We've had a couple bites, but something always gets snagged. I was wondering if you guys had any advice for helping us find a place? I think the hardest part is that were looking for it to be furnished, which has been difficult because most of the furnished places are ridiculously expensive and are aimed towards tourists looking for a nice place for a week.

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear back from you guys soon! Obviously, I'll put an ad up in the living section here to see if I can find anything.

Thanks again,