2 x 1 drinks @ Open Mic this Tuesday


Nov 24, 2009
Hola a todos. . .I have some good news! First, Gitano is no longer "clausurado" by the municipality. Second, check out this article about Open Mic Nite posted by the Argentine Independent. This should give you an idea of what it's like at Open Mic. Please take a second to click the link:


I am thrilled to get such a great review, and it's largely thanks to you guys who come out and support the local music scene. It was also cool b/c I could show everyone back home what I'm up to. I have even more great news!

I've heard some people dissatisfied with the prices and service at Gitano, so in response to that we're doing happy hour style tomorrow night before 11pm. Show up early! The band's gonna start at 10pm, and drinks will be 2 for the price of 1 until 11pm. Seriously, get out here and get your drink on early. This is a trial run, so if it goes well we'll continue the tradition. This Tuesday night's going to be a lot of fun. I'm also playing with guest drummer Ristu, who is one of San Telmo's greatest. He's also a fantastic singer, so you just might hear some Beatles-style complete harmonies ;)

Open Mic Nite, Tuesday at 10pm.
Gitano RestoBar, chile 424 esq defensa
2 x 1 drinks before 11pm
bring your instrument

On Wednesday, come out and hear my original/cover rock band play at the Cafe del Arbol in Plaza Dorrego, San Telmo. I'll be playing again with Ristu and also with Paul G, everyone's favorite Chileno-American hostel owner. Paul and I will be switching back and forth, bass and guitar, lead vocals and backup. Cafe del Arbol also has some of the best food in San Telmo, for serious.

Rock Trio live at Cafe del Arbol
Wednesday, 10pm in Plaza Dorrego
Humberto Primo 424 esq defensa
free entry

Thank you very very much and I hope to see you this week! Keep away the rainy day blues by getting off your butt and hanging with the San Telmo music crowd.