3 Cheers For An Awesome Chiropractor


Mar 20, 2014
I just went for my first visit with Birgit Brunshoj, and I was amazed in the best way possible.

Now, I've been under the regular care of a chiropractor for some 20 years now, and this was possibly the best spinal adjustment I've ever had.

Understand, we're not talking the traditional chiropractor here, in which they twist you like a pretzel. No, this was activator method chiropractic, which involves the use of a little spring-loaded plunger with a rubber tip, and it's far less stressful on the body. I can't honestly say it was entirely pain-free, it did smart a little bit at times, but the discomfort was absolutely minimal and I feel so much f***ing better afterward that there are just no words to express it.

I will recommend her unequivocally.

[email protected]

Oh, and about that person who claimed to have gotten a really painful massage from her? I asked Birgit about that, and there's another side to the story, but I'll let her tell you herself.

The (slightly) bad news is that she will be out of town for all of July on a brief trip home to Denmark.
Careful with that Quackery.



According to this article in Scientific American, 210,000 people die every year just in US hospitals, from mistakes committed by MD's. So would you suggest that nobody ever goes to an MD again?

Seriously, ejcot, are you that desperate to find something to attack?

Science is science, Quackery is Quackery.

Just good to know that what they do is dangerous and can cause irreparable harm.
My general experience has been, if it goes against the medical establishment, then it is usually disparaged and attacked; as ejcot said "quackery". Anything deemed to be a threat must be neutralized so that people continue to rely only on what the medical establishment says.

This kind of procedure is the same for anybody that questions just about anything really. Instead of focusing on the message or the facts, that person is instead called a "conspiracy theorist", "racist", "anti semite", "anti gay", "anti woman", "anti x" etc. All are attempts to discredit, to spread disinformation and fear, to confuse, muddy the waters, to manipulate and to deceive.

Bottom line is to try it yourself and see what works for you. Be skeptical. Be curious and never accept as gospel whatever the mainstream establishment says. There is usually, almost always, an agenda that is being pushed by some special interest(s) or corporation(s), which may or may not be in your best interest.
My general experience has been, if it goes against the medical establishment, then it is usually disparaged and attacked; as ejcot said "quackery". Anything deemed to be a threat must be neutralized so that people continue to rely only on what the medical establishment says.

This kind of procedure is the same for anybody that questions just about anything really. Instead of focusing on the message or the facts, that person is instead called a "conspiracy theorist", "racist", "anti semite", "anti gay", "anti woman", "anti x" etc. All are attempts to discredit, to spread disinformation and fear, to confuse, muddy the waters, to manipulate and to deceive.

Bottom line is to try it yourself and see what works for you. Be skeptical. Be curious and never accept as gospel whatever the mainstream establishment says. There is usually, almost always, an agenda that is being pushed by some special interest(s) or corporation(s), which may or may not be in your best interest.

If it worked it wouldn't be against "the medical establishment" it would be part of it as Doctors would actively be sending people to have their spines "realigning". The problem is "realigning" your spine can be dangerous.

Its very easy for alternatives to prove that they work through double blind tests unfortunately for "alternative" medicine they usually don't pass these tests because the effect of them is more often than not just a placebo.
The placebo effect is well understood.


Confidently waving an ultrasound machine around someone's face is effective for post-operative dental pain, regardless of whether the machine is switched on. Likewise, in the 1950s, we used to ligate the internal mammary artery to treat angina: but when someone did a placebo-controlled trial, going to theatre, making an incision, but only pretending to ligate the internal mammary, the sham operation was as effective as the real one. Like morons, instead of applauding the power of the placebo, we just stopped doing the procedure, assuming that it was "useless".

· It goes on: pinky red sugar pills are more effective stimulants than blue sugar pills, because colours have meanings. And a four-way comparison, with either sugar pills or aspirin, in either unbranded aspirin boxes or mock-up packaging of the Dispirin brand, showed that brand-name packaging, and the wealth of advertising and cultural background material that packaging plays on, had almost as big an impact on pain as whether the pills had any drug in them. So in some ways, it's not irrational to believe that costly Nurofen is more effective than cheap unbranded ibuprofen, even if they've both got the same active ingredient.

There are some out there ideas that are become medicine! Who would have thought the claim that dogs detect cancer has lead to them knowing cancer could be giving off a smell!


If it worked it wouldn't be against "the medical establishment" it would be part of it as Doctors would actively be sending people to have their spines "realigning".

Simply not true at all, quite the opposite really.

First, doctors, like everybody else, are not gods. They don't know everything there is to know about medicine. Just go to youtube and type in "doctors prefer camels".

Second, doctors, like most people, are often times uninformed and have been indoctrinated by the establishment to think, act, believe and perform a certain way. Most doctors today are nothing more than representatives for the major drug companies.

Third, the medical industrial complex tends to treat the symptom, not the whole person. That right there is not sound medicine.

Fourth, most doctors know little to nothing about nutrition. Most disease is either caused by a lack of something or a build up of toxins in the body; something so basic yet so beyond the comprehension of most "doctors".

I could go on. Bottom line, the best person to look after your health is YOU. This means taking personal responsibility, researching alternative methods, being skeptical, becoming empowered through knowledge, using critical thinking, sound judgement and common sense.
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Simply not true at all, quite the opposite really.

First, doctors, like everybody else, are not gods. They don't know everything there is to know about medicine. Just go to youtube and type in "doctors prefer camels".

Second, doctors, like most people, are often times uninformed and have been indoctrinated by the establishment to think, act, believe and perform a certain way. Most doctors today are nothing more than representatives for the major drug companies.

Third, the medical industrial complex tends to treat the symptom, not the whole person. That right there is not sound medicine.

Fourth, most doctors know little to nothing about nutrition. Most disease is either caused by a lack of something or a build up of toxins in the body; something so basic yet so beyond the comprehension of most "doctors".

I could go on. Bottom line, the best person to look after your health is YOU. This means taking personal responsibility, researching alternative methods, being skeptical, becoming empowered through knowledge, using critical thinking, sound judgement and common sense.

meh had a huge reply but my browser crashed :mad:

anyway main points http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_David_Palmer invented this stuff.

He was a nutcase.

He regarded chiropractic as partly religious in nature. In a letter of May 4, 1911 he said: "... we must have a religious head, one who is the founder, as did Christ, Mohamed, Jo. Smith, Mrs. Eddy, Martin Luther and other who have founded religions. I am the fountain head. I am the founder of chiropractic in its science, in its art, in its philosophy and in its religious phase."


If it worked there would be ample evidence over the 100 years of its existence. There is evidence though that it is dangerous and can cause strokes.

Doctors don't know everything, that's why they have specialities.

its good we have nutritionists etc.



Americans should be wary of their healthcare system because its crap.

I agree it is important to be sceptical especially about quackery that can be dangerous.