$3 Peso Lunch At Casa Rosada Opens Cfk... Not Open To Public

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
CFK inaugurated a new dinning room in Casa Rosada , The cost of a full meal and drink and coffee $3 Argentinean Pesos....!! Believe it or Not....!!

Perhaps the next step is $3 peso lunch for the Comedores in the Villas :D I fully support that....!!

$3 Peso Lunch for Todos y Todas


I'm going to go all [background=rgb(242, 242, 242)]ajoknoblauch [/background]on you and I'll say that I need evidence that the food indeed doesn't cost ARS $3.

The menu of CFK below, The Total cost for 6 guests $18 pesos, can't beat that. It was not in Clarin ... Clarin Miente... :D

La mandataria optó por un almuerzo light: de entrada una ensalada tricolor de lechuga, remolacha y huevo y como plato principal, pechuga de pollo con salsa de zanahorias. Acompañó el almuerzo con agua mineral y no pudo contener la tentaciónde pasar el pancito por el plato.

A la hora del postre se sirvió una ensalada de frutas con gelatina, pero la mandataria optó por una infusión, mientras que los funcionarios tomaron café.
OK, I just tried to add that up and if you bought in bulk and the portions were small, you are looking at ~AR$10/person. And that doesn't count paying for a heat source.
OK, I just tried to add that up and if you bought in bulk and the portions were small, you are looking at ~AR$10/person. And that doesn't count paying for a heat source.

Suggest review your math.... $10 Ars will hardly cover the mineral water, However I hear that at the UBA buffet the milanesas con fritas sell for $10.
TN reported the Senate lunch menu is $40 pesos for Crepes de Verduras and drink. Two pieces of bread is more than $3 pesos