6,7,8 (Televisión Pública)


May 26, 2007
Over the past few months I've become a regular viewer of this program. It is not that I support its 'línea editorial': I am very critical of the Kirchner government and do think that 'El Modelo Nacional y Popular' está condenado al fracaso. Also, some of the guests they invite seem to be stuck in a parallell universe where 'the left' means 'right', and 'the right' is 'wrong.

Futhermore, I do not think that a state channel should represent the views/opinions of the government in turn, but offer a broad spectrum of voices from society.

Nevertheless I do find it very refreshing to watch the show, because of the themes they discuss and the close watch they keep on other "independent" media such as La Nación, Clarín, Perfíl etcetera. Because as much as we like to criticize officialist media of distorting the truth, private press is just as good at it.

So, I'm curious what the other Baexpats think about the contents of the show. Let's keep the whole moral standpoint (whether you think that such a program should be made from taxpayer's money) aside.

My view is that 6,7,8 in spite of its obvious pro-kirchner stance, has contributed to a more diverse and balanced media landscape in Argentina.
ReemsterCARP said:
Over the past few months I've become a regular viewer of this program. It is not that I support its 'línea editorial': I am very critical of the Kirchner government and do think that 'El Modelo Nacional y Popular' está condenado al fracaso. Also, some of the guests they invite seem to be stuck in a parallell universe where 'the left' means 'right', and 'the right' is 'wrong.

Futhermore, I do not think that a state channel should represent the views/opinions of the government in turn, but offer a broad spectrum of voices from society.

Nevertheless I do find it very refreshing to watch the show, because of the themes they discuss and the close watch they keep on other "independent" media such as La Nación, Clarín, Perfíl etcetera. Because as much as we like to criticize officialist media of distorting the truth, private press is just as good at it.

So, I'm curious what the other Baexpats think about the contents of the show. Let's keep the whole moral standpoint (whether you think that such a program should be made from taxpayer's money) aside.

My view is that 6,7,8 in spite of its obvious pro-kirchner stance, has contributed to a more diverse and balanced media landscape in Argentina.

You're spot on, on that.

That program is a response to the monopolization of the media, visual and written in this country and others as well, particularly here in the L.A. region, the goal is to counterbalance by analysis of how the news are presented by the different media outlets owned by the corporations that do take the role of an invisible opposition to this government without the face of a real political party.

All programs of any media corporative or not are taxpayer's funded, don't get confused with that, this is one of the points they kept repeating to confuse the people.

You can see straight away and very quick how supporters of "anything against" this government are ready to put they grain of sand to continue with these deceitful lies.

What this program does with other similar programs is to expose the media and journalists who claim to be independent and neutral they are forced to define their political position without the possibility of lying to people, something unprecedented in this country.
This opens the political debate and the exchange of ideas without having to hear only one voice, that is the idea of the media law created for this purpose.
Of course the corporate media are not used to these controls as they fight to keep this law that has been approved legally to be enforced.
As the husband always says when he flips over to 678 -- let's have a look and see what the other side is saying (since pretty much every other news show is anti-)...

Some of the commentaristas are ridiculous though. And lately it seems that 678 stocks most of it's show with clips/crits of Duro de Domar and vice versa.
To know that there's actual kids starving to death in the inner country while these bunch of corrupt thieves continue to waste funds in this kind of things really pisses me off.
So Guillo you are free to go to the Justice with the proof of... Oh, you don´t believe in the Justice, ok, then you can vote in the elections and... oh, the people in this country will vote for them, ok, then talk to the desperate people victims of the economic situa... oh, they are working right now, because, you know, unemployment is very low and they need to pay for their new cars that clog up the General Paz, and oh, Guillo, the times of "your" people are over, and they are never coming back.
marksoc said:
So Guillo you are free to go to the Justice with the proof of... Oh, you don´t believe in the Justice, ok, then you can vote in the elections and... oh, the people in this country will vote for them, ok, then talk to the desperate people victims of the economic situa... oh, they are working right now, because, you know, unemployment is very low and they need to pay for their new cars that clog up the General Paz, and oh, Guillo, the times of "your" people are over, and they are never coming back.

My people? I dont have any people. Now, instead of posting bullshit, come and tell me NO kids are diying of hunger in the inner country, no retirees are being paid a misery. No amount of K discourse can change reality. For me, it's about priorities and clearly, for these people the only one they have is to stay in power to continue to handle public funds as if they were personally theirs, like they did in the past.
ReemsterCARP said:
My view is that 6,7,8 (...) has contributed to a more diverse and balanced media landscape in Argentina.

I completely agree! The Landscape used to be rather free but also very fascist with whoever was in power controlling part of the media. Now it is more diverse and balanced between Fascism and Socialism with part of the media being directly controlled by the state instead of in-directly. It's a subtle difference, but it makes a world if you're looking for diversity and balance between corporativism and communism.

On the other hand, a guy named Matt Drudge, whatever I think of him, seems to have built his own public opinion forum out of cheap html code. No reason that couldn't happen in Argentina - or is there?
The fact that this 6,7,8 is not just on public tv, but on its prime time, daily, and replayed after midnight, its embarrasing. The press is the press. The State is the State. If the President does not like the press it is not the best idea to just go and throw them a public show like this one. Just like if the press does not agree with the Presidente it shouldnt go and take the Pink House.