About Racism


Apr 21, 2018
1.Is it possible that Asians will be attacked by government or racists?
2.Do you think racism in Argentina more serious than South Africa or Australia?
Do you think racism in Argentina more serious than South Africa or Australia?

In terms of violence or open hostility? No. Not even close. Racism in Argentina is very present, but it is much more subtle and nuanced. It comes more in the form of jokes, assumptions based on stereotypes of a discreet sneers here and there. And those are mostly targeted to darker skinned folks, although Chinos do get their fair share. But the odds of you being publicly assaulted in Buenos Aires, or denied service somewhere due to your race are astronomically low.
1.Is it possible that Asians will be attacked by government or racists?
2.Do you think racism in Argentina more serious than South Africa or Australia?

1) The government is trying to deport all the Asians but they failed because the immigration police refused to. It was too racist even for the immigration cops.

2) no at all. There is no violence, sometimes lack of understanding.
I would not worry about it Argentinians as I have known them, tend mind their own business and pay little to what others are etc.
why would they attack an Asian person? I have experience more racism in South Korea than here in Argentina, in particular against any other Asian other than Japanese
Korean society is African Savanna.If it is different from the average, ignore comes.(ex:skin,Religion (especially if you can not eat meat),Disabled,etc.)AnywayI can not understand racism. If they keep their manners and do not commit illegal acts, I like them.
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