an under current of despair/depression


Aug 24, 2012
My family moved from Argentina back in the 60's and came to the USA. I have been back a couple of times to visit family; however this time I would be coming with my wife. Unfortunately I'm just not this excited. I'm not sure where to take her to begin with except to meet family. I also remember feeling a sense of depression in the culture. People just don't seem so happy or full of expression. Albit I was there just after 911.

It doesn't appear fair to me toss an entire population in this category though this is just how I feel. What is your experience?

As trends go, the $hitstorm is just starting.

If you're just visiting, don't let that ruin your plans. There are plenty of places to enjoy and things to do.
I think that coming here as a tourist now is probably a lot better than in 2001, when Argentines were preparing for an economic crash, not really going out at all, etc. It's really not as bad as that at the moment but is just starting up again so if you are going to visit, I wouldn't wait around much longer. I had a horrible time when I first arrived in 2001 (it got a lot better) but I think now tourists generally have a much better time.
Tourists have a great time anywhere...they are in vacation mode.
Relaxed and typically they expect to spend more money than usual so getting ripped off is part of the "charm" and adventure of visiting (key work: visiting) a strange land!
They KNOW they are leaving in a week or 2 so it doesn't effect them mentally as it does those who live in a place long term.
Melancholy is in the Argentne blood. Just listen to tango lyrics. Even so, if you have $ you can do what you want. Be patient, enjoy leisurely meals and don't get upset about slow and indifferent service. What's your rush?
"I'm not sure where to take her to begin with except to meet family."


How about, La Matanza artesan fair, almost any leafy suburb of CABA, the theatre, tango, sailing in Rio de La Plata, a polo match. Then a stay at an estancia in BA province, followed by a trip to Cordoba and the Sierras, head north west to Catamarca and the Altiplano, dropping down into beautiful valleys of Salta. Back to BA before heading out for the West/South West tour, taking in Mendoza, Bariloche, el Bolson and beautiful Chubut.

Of course, there wouldnt be time for Cataratas de Iguazu, one of the seven wonders of the world .....
After living outside of the US for the last 7 years, I feel "an undercurrent of despair/depression" when I go back to the US for a visit.