And now some good news


Sep 18, 2009
The three year rental agreement on our shop/office comes up for renewal in Feb and bearing in mind the current situation here, we have been a little apprehensive as to how the next contract might look.
If it were to go up way beyond the 'unofficial' rate of inflation, we'd be stuffed and would have to move on or even close down. Not a pretty thought when you've spent three years building up the business.
The good news is that they want us to stay, especially as we've never defaulted and better the Devil you know etc.
It seems the increase will be marginal, which is a huge relief.
What with moving house on the weekend too, it would have been somewhat challenging to move the business next year too and go through 'habilitacion' all over again.
So hopefully, nightmare averted!
(Olivos area btw)
Don said:
Many thanks!
It is indeed a big relief and now we can carry on with our lives :)
The fun bit is moving house this weekend, which will be chaos, but in a nice way!
Great! I think your landlord is smart. These times are uncertain if nothing else. No time to be greedy.

Does this mean you got your house sold? If yes, is the sale in US dollars?
The agreement is done through an estate agent and the landlord and it helps that the agent is also my top customer as I fix all their computer problems. Good people too!
Haven't sold the house yet. We've taken a gamble and got something nr Olivos.
So if anyone fancies a large 3 bedroom house 220m, with pool and 1000m of ground, let me know.
Asking 173k USD.
You just never know lol
That's great news!!

Our land lord too was very reasonable when our 2 year lease came up. The rent went up marginally & the removed the penalty clause. & the landlord at them studio is amazing. I'll miss her so much when I leave. :(

Anyway, Yeah!! for good landlords!!
jb5 said:
Great! I think your landlord is smart. These times are uncertain if nothing else. No time to be greedy.

Well said jb5. I guess my mentality is always that a regular and sound tenant who pays with no issue makes business easy but sadly our last office owner didnt think so. Although our rent was index linked and we paid on average 4 - 6 % inflationary increase per quarter she still demanded a 48% increase after our 3 yr lease expired. Needless to say we passed and found a fabulous office with a more flexible and partnership focused landlord. I actually don't even blame the landlady really as I have heard horror stories of real "jodidos" out there who sign the lease, gtor and all and then don't pay. I also hear the process of eviction is long, lengthy and costly so these guys are charging the honest types to cover the liabilities caused by the crooks...which in summary is the entire Bsas story start to finish.
fred mertz said:
I wouldn't start to celebrate, you know the facts.
Why not? Or have I missed your point?
There are some decent landlords in BA, believe it or not.
Something we had overlooked was, in the event of having to move the computer shop to another location, we would have to have applied for the 'licence' again and start from scratch on that tramite.
That thought almost made me choke on my chorizo, so to speak.
Well done Gringoboy, glad to be hearing some positive post for a change, all the best to you, BTW in which part of Olivos is that house you are selling? Maipu towards the river or Maipu towards Panamericana?.