Anybody going to the tango championships tonight?

Hola Van,

I'm just curious--my Argentine partner and I finished #14 in the Campeonato Metropolitano 2006. Is this the same? We are always out in the milongas and haven't heard anything about this "Ciudad" championship. Are the finals in La Rural in August?

It just seems totally different this year, and since there are so many "championships" I'm naturally curious.

How did you know about it?


There are fewer venues this year participating in the qualifying rounds. Are you attending as an observer or participant?

They have increased the prize to $10,000 AP this year in order to entice dancers to participate. The prize at the first one was 600.

The link you provided contains name of those who have qualified so far for the semifinal rounds in late May.

The judging has never been impartial since teachers evaluate their students in the competition. The winners always have close ties to someone in the AMBCTA.