Anyone know Rosario ?


May 24, 2009
Heading up to Rosario for the weekend. Rugby to go to on Monday, but will be there from early Friday as my SO has a conference to attend on Friday and Saturday. Looking for somewhere that will be showing the World Cup, and given my limited Spanish, can't be wandering around too much... What I recall about a lot of Argentine places, is that the best bars don't usally open during the day, but here in BsAs, with the World Cup being played, bars like Sugar, the Gibraltar etc., are opening for the games, so hoping similar will happen in Rosario.

We are staying on Urquiza and Paraguay, if that helps.

i went up there last year liam.You,ll have no problem sniffing out an ale house,,,OR TWO,,,down down down down.....
Liam3494 said:
Heading up to Rosario for the weekend. Rugby to go to on Monday, but will be there from early Friday as my SO has a conference to attend on Friday and Saturday. Looking for somewhere that will be showing the World Cup, and given my limited Spanish, can't be wandering around too much... What I recall about a lot of Argentine places, is that the best bars don't usally open during the day, but here in BsAs, with the World Cup being played, bars like Sugar, the Gibraltar etc., are opening for the games, so hoping similar will happen in Rosario.

We are staying on Urquiza and Paraguay, if that helps.


Glad that anyone pays attention to my always useful messages (snif) :(
Dude, I AM from Rosario. Actually I will probably be there for our (local) father's day.
Monday is "feriado" and on Sunday, there is one of the major events for our city: "Dia de la Bandera" or "Flag day". I think Cristina K herself is showing up to take on the booing.

About places: you are pretty downtown, in fact 2 blocks from your hotel there is a very pretty irish pub called O'Connell's... not sure about the world cup there but you will find yourself at home.
But really, being close where usually the action happens (probably more to the south from where you are, over Pellegrini Av) you will have no troubles in finding a bar with a big screen TV.
Apologies for failing to read back on other posts, I do recall you posting about the wonders of the city. :)

Thanks for the post, and the info on O'Connells - Just looked it up, and a short stagger home it is too :).... Will look out for the Big Screens, much as it hurts me to admit, I do want to see the England game on Friday (Don't tell Howard I said that!).
I was going to say, there's at least one large Irish bar. I'm thinking that O'Connell's is what I was thinking of.
Napoleon said:
I was going to say, there's at least one large Irish bar. I'm thinking that O'Connell's is what I was thinking of.

Yes, they've become a franchise some years ago. There are 2 or 3 of them in Rosario alone and a couple of others elsewhere.
Despite being Irish (Or maybe becasue of it!), I usually try and avoid the pseudo Irish Bars around the world, but when it comes to watching football, I will make an exception - And to be fair, the place looks OK from the web site.

Whenever I visit friends in the US, they frequently insist on taking me to the local Irish Bar, for some reason thinking that I travelled to (Insert anywhere in the US really!)... to spend my time in an Irish Bar - We don't actually have any Irish Bars at home now, they have all been exported to the US .......

Seriously, I will definitely head up to O'Connells, and take the other advice on crossing Pelligrini and seeking out other places to visit.

Thanks a mill guys...
Liam3494 said:
Despite being Irish (Or maybe becasue of it!), I usually try and avoid the pseudo Irish Bars around the world, but when it comes to watching football, I will make an exception - And to be fair, the place looks OK from the web site.

Whenever I visit friends in the US, they frequently insist on taking me to the local Irish Bar, for some reason thinking that I travelled to (Insert anywhere in the US really!)... to spend my time in an Irish Bar - We don't actually have any Irish Bars at home now, they have all been exported to the US .......

Seriously, I will definitely head up to O'Connells, and take the other advice on crossing Pelligrini and seeking out other places to visit.

Thanks a mill guys...
have a great weekend Liam.let us know how you went on;)