Such a shame. Argentina could be such a nice place to live and work but for the commies infesting the place.
Commies? Seriously?
The only real commies left on earth are the Chinese, and they are doubling down on top down economic rules, regardless of the consequences. Korea is a failed state run by an inbred family dynasty of tyrants, not "communist".
Cuba has a few real communists left, but they are still trying to figure out how a State based on a single charismatic ruler survives his death.
Argentine economic, protectionist, and customs policies were built by a tripartate coalition of the Catholic Church, the Military, and the 100 or so families who own most things, in the period from 1950 to 1980.
No commies were involved.
The military and the church, who basically didnt believe in the existence of the 20th century until forced to in 1983, thought that you could go it alone, ignoring the world economy, globalized banking, and global corporations. The goverments since have been painted into a corner by the expectations of the population, based on those beliefs.
The dictatorships borrowed plenty of money they didnt have, enacted high tariffs and lots of frictional impediments to trade and free access to the global economy, and finally started a doomed war to distract the population from their failed policies.
again, no commies involved.
Except for the few real ones they threw out of airplanes into the Atlantic, along with the 30,000 or so college students and vaguely leftist intellectuals they tossed after the few hundred Montaneros ran out.
Personally, I think Argentina is still a nice place.