Argentine Humor And Turns Of Phrase


Sep 6, 2014
I love the pithy exp<b></b>ressions and humor at which Argentines excel.

From Cartas de los Lectores, in La Nacion this morning:
En relación con el accidente sufrido por la señora Presidenta y las vicisitudes que tuvieron los médicos para atenderlo, recuerdo la frase más habitual de los habitantes de Río Gallegos: "El mejor médico de esta ciudad se llama Aerolíneas Argentinas...".
Mariano Pizzichini
That's not very original. I know Italian expats in the US who used to say that the most affordable health insurance plan is a ticket to Italy (where health care is almost free).
That's not very original. I know Italian expats in the US who used to say that the most affordable health insurance plan is a ticket to Italy (where health care is almost free).

Of course the context here with the people of Rio Gallegos is that they don't have access to the medical equipment they need, and have to head to BsAs for treatment. In the case of her broken ankle, La Presidenta had to do the same thing, so the writer wasn't resisting the chance to be a wag --

Also, when an online newspaper posts the pic of an attractive lady, with the comments (not too subtile indeed) "Le doy hasta que..."
Sometimes they are hilarious

They are hilarious, aren't they? Irrespective of the article they bitch about something against Cristina or they make a comment related to sex!
Está sudando mas que un testigo falso .


A seller rang the door bell ..
my friend opened the door and told him: ... ¨we are not interested¨
seller replied: ... no hablo con payaso, .. solo hablo con el dueno del circo .
quit reading Cronica Frenchie, it is toxic.

Even in La Nacion a few good ones on (Title is "
"Creo que Martín Redrado me amó mal")


"Creo que mi cirujano plástico me armó mal"

Se le abrió un poquito el ojo.
lol, i had never seen the magazine section of lanacion.
it makes the daily mail look like something refined