Artist cuts rent by commuting to London from Argentina

Hasn't his BA rent gone up since Milei?
Temporary rents have gone down due to stock (availability) of those type of apartments growing , temporary foreigners are now leaving in droves due to currency exchange ($/£/€) being stuck since nov '23 and prices going up double or triple.
Temporary rents have gone down due to stock (availability) of those type of apartments growing , temporary foreigners are now leaving in droves due to currency exchange ($/£/€) being stuck since nov '23 and prices going up double or triple.
Even if rents have gone down (how much?) other prices are soaring, so is this sort of super long distance "commuting" any longer sustainable?
Capitalism breeds innovation, baby! Saw something similar with a kid in California flying to Berkeley for class
The rich are cutting off their noses to spite their faces because at this rate all the inherited wealth their kids will get
will be for nothing if A) the help/service economy plebs can't even get to them to work, and B) there isn't a functioning
planet to spend said money on. It reminds me of that town in Colorado that can't get someone to work for 167K a year
because there is nowhere to live.

If our intrepid oceanic commuter discovers the forum, maybe he could mule in Marmite?