Ba Makes The Top 20 Bike Friendly City In The World.

BA makes the top 20 bike friendly city in the World and the only one in South America.
Number 14º to be exact. Macri has my vote.

No, no, no BA is not bike friendly. Miles of bike lanes which are narrow, badly planned, bi directional and ignored by barbarian drivers does not constitute "Bike Friendly". Do any of these writers ever get off their ass and visit the locations. Bike Friendly has a part called Respect and it is not here.
I don't know how ba happened to fall on this list, and even less how it can be in front of Vienna!? I actually did some biking there and if they didn't pull out 90% of bicicendas, no way ba could beat biking experience there. In Europe most highways are safer to bike than ba on bicicendas...
I've found BsAs to be a great biking city. When there aren't bike lanes, the traffic is so slow, with lights every block, that it's pretty safe as long as you stay off the main Avenidas.
Good to see news from Argentina mentioned in a positive way for a change.