Baylor's best shot . . . .


Oct 22, 2010
I realize that sports usually take a back seat to other topics here on BAEXPATS, but I couldn't help posting this. Tonight is Baylor's best chance to beat Texas in a LONG time (in college football). If anyone in BsAs has an opportunity to watch the game, Texas needs all the support it can get.

Let's get some collective efficacy going and cheer Texas on to a victory (I realize collective efficacy isn't the best way to describe international support for Texas, but, whatever).
texxaslonghorn said:
I realize that sports usually take a back seat to other topics here on BAEXPATS, but I couldn't help posting this. Tonight is Baylor's best chance to beat Texas in a LONG time (in college football). If anyone in BsAs has an opportunity to watch the game, Texas needs all the support it can get.

Let's get some collective efficacy going and cheer Texas on to a victory (I realize collective efficacy isn't the best way to describe international support for Texas, but, whatever).

Hook em Horns
I will say that I will be going to a puerta cerrada tonight followed by a debaucherous Halloween party. I will think of them before I go out for the night and after I come home. They have my support in between those times, but not my focus.

Hook'em... I'm taking the evening for myself.