Best fixed price lunch menus?


Mar 25, 2007
What are your favorite places for lunch where there is a reasonably priced fixed price menu ('Menú Ejecutivo) or whatever it's called? If you know of some that have something similar for dinner, you can include that. Thanks.
My two current favorites are Narda, and Corte Comedor, both in Belgrano.
Narda is around 340 pesos, including agua and postre. And its really good.
Corte is similar- Although they charge cubierto, so it ends up being more like 400 or so.
Corte is the restaurant attached to what I think is the best butcher shop in town- amazing meat. The 350 menus include bife, or cerdo, among other options, along with guarnacion.
These are both pretty gourmet, by my standards.
Also, Syntesis, a japanese restaurant right behind the ACA on Libertador.
I'll second Narda, and throw in La Parolaccia (Cerviño) - a little more expensive, but worth it.
I like this place, good food, and their reasonable prices...1810 Cocina Regional on Guatemala.
No Name Hole in the Wall, Gorriti and Medrano.
Its actually called El Renaciente- but there is no sign or any way to tell thats the name without asking.
Its old style grandma cooking, very good, cheap, and homey. Not fancy in any way, but always good.
When its not open, its impossible to even tell its a restaurant.
We went to the Recoleta Bis Aramburu- and the lunch special is very good, and reasonable.
We had one principal only, which comes with a glass of wine, and one full lunch, which is entrada, principal, and postre, with wine.
Total for the two was just over 800 pesos, and we had food we took home. So, around 400 pesos each.
good sized portions, interesting dishes. Not old fashioned- the salad was arugula, the pasta had a curry mussel and calamari sauce, the bondiola came with a sweet potato puree.
I will be going back.