Between January and June, las expensas rose 87% in CABA

My expensas are insane, lowrise under 15 unit building, no portero, no security, no SUM, no pool, no nothing and it's like 135K/month
$60,000 in July 23, $163,000 July 2024

5-unit building, one of them refusing to pay expensas. No security, pool, or SUM, part-time portero shared with next building.
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Las expensas en edificios de CABA acumulan una suba de casi 88%

English version

How much have your 'expensas' increased during this time period?
With the end/ reduction of costly energy subsidies and with significant union mandated wage increases for porteros and building staff this year in an as yet still inflationary economy, what else would anyone actually expect?

Between January 2023 and December 2023 my expensas more than doubled despite still having energy subsidies and what could by the end of the year only be described as very low wages.
mine have grown by 140% in just last 3 months
pushing some if those to the landlord with intermittent success
I think I paid $90k in May and June jumped to $175k. Semipisos in 10 floors, older building with no SUM, terrace, parrilla, nada; encargada has years of antigüidad and gets paid for a full jornada (whether she actually works during the full shift is another story). I'm praying I can get into the PH I just reserved because fuck these ridiculous expenses.