Blue Rate


Jun 30, 2010
Just arrived this week after two years away. Didn't have the Blue Rate to worry about back in the good ole days. So - found myself not planning ahead for the weekend and consequently ran out of pesos. Does anyone know of anywhere in the Recoleta area that would be open on Sunday to change money. You got to love it! Many thanks...... Have learned a very important lesson today :)
i'm sure they'll be saying cambio cambio cambio all over downtown like always.
I don't and don't think it will be an easy thing to find. I was once told that even if I found someone the rate would be really bad. About 6 weeks ago the same thing happened to me. Most shops, restaurants will take your dollars and give you a good rate. The thing is they will normally only take 20s and they will only take as many as needed to pay for whatever you're buying or paying for. If it's only for one day I'd go to Galerias Pacifico (all the shops and everyone in the food court will take your dollars), be warned that some of them expect you to take the 5.50 rate, just take your business to the next one.
Try the chinese supermarket, go for a smaller one that looks like a mom'n'pop store rather than a conglomerate.

Worked for me. Especially if you live near by. Tell them you'll buy some stuff and would like to pay with US 100 , what rate will they give you?....add that you live near by and could be a regular customer.
Once again Moreno has raided and closed some cuevas..they went on a virtual holiday yesterday and I'm not sure what will be Monday. The price drastically dropped and is now about 9.2. Good luck!
I was on Florida Street yesterday,.. It was full of "Cambio cambio" people... That's all you hear.
I walked from the Plaza Hotel al the way to Lavalle. That's all I heard.
I'm sure you'll find somebody on Sunday. Those people go where the tourist go.
Also some on Lavalle street.
I too was on Florida and Lavalle on Friday for the first time in months.
There were more 'arbolitos' than I can ever remember particularly as I had mistakenly thought that they were all weeded out so to speak.
Might be better to just suck it up at the official rate from an ATM today for a few $$, unless you have some big purchases to make, and then just wait until tomorrow, instead of spending the day trying to find somewhere to change? Just another option