Brazil - Visa - Kids - Yellow Fever Vaccine?


Jan 12, 2011
Does anyone have experience getting a tourist visa for their kids here? Is a Yellow Fever vaccine necessary for the Brazilian bureaucracy?
A yellow fever vaccination is not required. According to the National Agency for Sanitation Vigilance (direct translation), there are no countries at this moment that pose a risk for yellow fever, and thus such vaccination is not required. See question number 1402 here (in Portuguese) on the aforementioned agency's website.

Your kids will only require vaccination if they are between the ages of 3 months and 6 years. For children between those ages, you will have to present a certificate that affirms they are vaccinated against polio.

If your children qualify, you may vaccinate them against Yellow Fever free of charge in Buenos Aires. I was vaccinated here, and it was done very professionally. I experienced a mild reaction to the vaccination, which I was warned about before receiving it.
Just for your information...

Translation of 1402:

"No. The International Vaccination Certificate for Yellow Fever vaccination will only be requested (per RDC #21, March 2008) from international travelers arriving to Brazil from areas where Yellow Fever presents a risk for pandemic. Presently, there is not any area that presents a risk for international dissemination of the disease. If such risk is established, information will be made widely available."
The advice concerning any new outbreaks of Yellow fever is published by the WHO as and when here...

so if the situation changes, you'll know.

The OP doesn't say where they are going to go inside Brazil so it's worth pointing out that while at present there's no need to show a certificate if you are entering Brazil, the same list of FAQs mentions areas of risk inside Brazil (no. 1434) so if you are going to any of those listed places you'd be wise to take advantage of free vaccination, either in Argentina (see Bradleyhale above) or Brazil (FAQ 1404). Being vaccinated may well facilitate your re-entry to Argentina or entry elsewhere, should there be an outbreak while you are there.
I need a vaccination against Yellow Fever. I'm an American. 2 questions regarding the free vaccine:

1) is it free for foreigners as well (with passport)?

2) do I need to make an appointment to get it or can I just show up and wait (9 hours)?

I'm out of the country or I'd just show up. Have a weeklong window in which I need to get the vaccine upon returning to Argentina.


A yellow fever vaccination is not required. According to the National Agency for Sanitation Vigilance (direct translation), there are no countries at this moment that pose a risk for yellow fever, and thus such vaccination is not required. See question number 1402 here (in Portuguese) on the aforementioned agency's website.

I've just been looking into this, and from looking at this site, it looks like you're fine if you're going straight from BA (or anywhere else in Argentina for that matter), but if you were going by way of, say, Bolivia, then you would need a Yellow Fever Certificate?