Buying dollars when travelling overseas


Sep 12, 2005
I just saw the post about not being able to withdraw money outside of Argentina (im praying that it doesnt relate to credit cards as well) but it made me think of some other questions that i had.

1. If you go to the bank with a valid plane ticket and your passport (so therefore with proof that you are travelling outside the country) will they change dollars for you? (I think the legal amount you are allowed to travel with is 10,000).

2. I am a permanent resident here but am not working. My husband gets his allowance every month. Am I allowed to buy dollars with my DNI at all even if im not working?
there are 2 ways you need a dni and a green light from AFIP.
or as a tourist you need a receipt that you`ve purchased pesos with that you can ask for your money back in dollars some people have problems with this method
sivan said:
I just saw the post about not being able to withdraw money outside of Argentina (im praying that it doesnt relate to credit cards as well) but it made me think of some other questions that i had.

1. If you go to the bank with a valid plane ticket and your passport (so therefore with proof that you are travelling outside the country) will they change dollars for you? (I think the legal amount you are allowed to travel with is 10,000).

2. I am a permanent resident here but am not working. My husband gets his allowance every month. Am I allowed to buy dollars with my DNI at all even if im not working?

I think you just need to go and try because there doesn't really seem to be any hard and fast rules about who can buy dollars and who can't. The bank doesn't have any authority in deciding who can exchange currency so it would be pointless taking your passport and ticket there...For that, you'd have to try your local branch of AFIP.
I work here, pay my taxes, have a foreign passport etc and cannot buy dollars. I know people who are in the same boat, and can. Makes no sense.
I would very much doubt if you will be able to change pesos for US$. I know serveral people who worked and paid taxes and were denied changing pesos to US$ buy AFIP.
I also have meet a foreigns who were in argentina, withdrawing pesos from ATM's, and when they left could not exchange those pesos for anything else at the airport, even though they had ATM receipts.

However i meet one argentine guy who has a US$ account at his bank and was able to withdraw US$ from that account.
A question concerning US$ when leaving the country. I will be traveling to the US next month, and I have US$ on hand from my last visit in October 2011. Is there now a limit on how much unreported US$ one can have in-pocket when leaving EZE? I will carry no more than US$500.00 cash. I just don't want any hassles at EZE.
They don't care WHERE you are taking the dollars only that you are taking them (or not taking them which is the goal).
JoeGillis said:
A question concerning US$ when leaving the country. I will be traveling to the US next month, and I have US$ on hand from my last visit in October 2011. Is there now a limit on how much unreported US$ one can have in-pocket when leaving EZE? I will carry no more than US$500.00 cash. I just don't want any hassles at EZE.
This I can answer, no problem. Limit to carry out of the country is $10k. Passed through all the security checks at EZE last week and seen no one being questioned or searched for $$. Enjoy your trip.
sivan said:
I just saw the post about not being able to withdraw money outside of Argentina (im praying that it doesnt relate to credit cards as well) but it made me think of some other questions that i had.

1. If you go to the bank with a valid plane ticket and your passport (so therefore with proof that you are travelling outside the country) will they change dollars for you? (I think the legal amount you are allowed to travel with is 10,000).

2. I am a permanent resident here but am not working. My husband gets his allowance every month. Am I allowed to buy dollars with my DNI at all even if im not working?

1) No.
2) No.

You aren't getting dollars here is the long & short of it unless you have permission from AFIP.
Citygirl - thanks for the reply. I kind of thought that would be the answer but just wanted to doublecheck. :( Very frustrating!
I do understand that the government is allowed to have a certain amount of control over what citizens do with their money in order to protect the economy but to not be able to buy dollars even when leaving the country seems rather absurd!
Ashley said:
I think you just need to go and try because there doesn't really seem to be any hard and fast rules about who can buy dollars and who can't. The bank doesn't have any authority in deciding who can exchange currency so it would be pointless taking your passport and ticket there...For that, you'd have to try your local branch of AFIP.
I work here, pay my taxes, have a foreign passport etc and cannot buy dollars. I know people who are in the same boat, and can. Makes no sense.

I wish i can just hack into AFIP's database and change my dollar buying limits!!!
I have the same situation as you and my limit is as low as 450 USD/month.
it was 880 USD/month last year!!! I have some(actually a lot of) savings i can't convert! When one of my collegue and i went to AFIP, they are saying the limit is enough for us and it was higher last year because people had previous saving not converted.
Fucking hate Boudou. I fucking pay taxes to you guys!