CABA...90% of the procedures will be done via the web by the end of 2022


Jun 6, 2005
25 April 2022 by Luz de Sousa Quintas
Paying taxes with cryptocurrencies, virtual marriage and new Boti in the City: 90% of procedures will be done online in CABA....It includes a digital identity system with biometric data. What are the 30 new procedures, from driver's license to business licenses and construction permits, of BA Futura?....
Hmmm, that digital identity business makes me nervous.
It all smacks a bit too much of NWO and the Mark of the Beast.
What is CABA doing, creating a parallel identity system?

"Un aspecto destacado y esencial de la iniciativa tiene que ver con la creación de la identidad digital autosoberana, para identificar de forma única a los ciudadanos en el mundo digital de manera segura y transparente".

Including even the made-up word "autosoberana", unknown to the RAE, and an example of self-referential tautology if ever there was one, this sounds like another one of the CABA vanity projects, trying to get their fingers in places they have no jurisdiction or authority. Just another "guiso" I think, just about siphoning off money, not the NWO and the Mark of the Beast.
It's a shame they won't spend that money on something actually useful and non-intrusive, like improving the subte. The extension of the B line is an example of how that has been done in past. Those last 4 stations at the end, terminating with Rosas, are really nice. The A line could really use some work.
....Including even the made-up word "autosoberana"....
"La identidad digital auto-soberana" is not a made-up word. In English: "Self Sovereign Identity" (SSI)....It refers to a digital identity model where the user is the owner of his or her personal data, having control over how this data is shared and used. All those data that in the physical world are presented in the form of cards or certificates, are known in SSI as verifiable credentials, which can be either by third parties known as trusted issuers or self-issued. Self-sovereign digital identity implies that the individual controls access to his or her verifiable credentials, digitally, by having one or more identifiers and being able to present claims - an assertion made about a given person - related to those identifiers avoiding the need to go through a third party as an intermediary. In this type of decentralized paradigm, the user is at the center, manages his or her own identity and decides with whom to share it. Self-sovereign digital identity is supported by blockchain technology. In these models, the need for the validating entity to have to go to the issuer to check its veracity is eliminated, as it will be able to check its validity directly against a public and decentralized registry such as blockchain networks.
Sometimes I wonder if Larreta knows there is more to CABA than just Palermo, Belgrano and Puerto Madero.
I agree....The extension of the B line is an example of how that has been done in past. Those last 4 stations at the end, terminating with Rosas, are really nice. The A line could really use some work.
Some of the older subway stations of the Line A could use some sprucing up but for me it is not a priority expenditure at this time. Since 2005, I primarily use the Subway Line A as I live in Caballito. My place is located 3 blocks from the Acoyte subway station. I also transfer often to the other subway lines to get around the City. The current subway o/w fare, including when transferring underground to Subte lines D, B, E, C, and H, is $30 pesos, which is the subsidized fare. Using Line A takes me half the time it would if otherwise I took any of the modern buses that run parallel to Av. Rivadavia at a o/w fare of $21 pesos, which is also a subsidized fare.
"La identidad digital auto-soberana" is not a made-up word. In English: "Self Sovereign Identity" (SSI)....It refers to a digital identity model where the user is the owner of his or her personal data, having control over how this data is shared and used. All those data that in the physical world are presented in the form of cards or certificates, are known in SSI as verifiable credentials, which can be either by third parties known as trusted issuers or self-issued. Self-sovereign digital identity implies that the individual controls access to his or her verifiable credentials, digitally, by having one or more identifiers and being able to present claims - an assertion made about a given person - related to those identifiers avoiding the need to go through a third party as an intermediary. In this type of decentralized paradigm, the user is at the center, manages his or her own identity and decides with whom to share it. Self-sovereign digital identity is supported by blockchain technology. In these models, the need for the validating entity to have to go to the issuer to check its veracity is eliminated, as it will be able to check its validity directly against a public and decentralized registry such as blockchain networks.
You don't find that "Self Sovereign" or "Autosoberano" is just a meaningless jumble of words? I mean, if you're not sovereign over your self, when who or what are you sovereign over? But you obviously copied the text from some interweb screed, and since it includes the work blockchain, it must be right :)

And yes, really, "autosoberano" is a made up word. Show me where it's to be found in the RAE.