Carnaval - 7 & 8 Marzo


Aug 15, 2010
Hi! What happens in BsAs during the Carnaval long weekend? Any parade and where can we see it? Thanks.
Most people take this as an opportunity to leave town. If you stay in Buenos Aires, celebrations will take place on every neighbourhood and streets will be shut.
Carnevale doesn't exist in Cap Fed. I've never seen anyone really celebrate it & they just added those days on this year to encourage people to go out and spend their money:p
Where is the best place to travel to in Argentina to celebrate Carnival?
Carnaval is celebrated in typical parades at streets called corsos. There is one at Av Corrientes y Medrano, another at San Juan y Boedo, for example. In the past, the biggest one was the one at Avenida de Mayo.

There are typical carnaval's celebrations in Provincia de Jujuy and in Provincia de Entre Rios.
Carnaval 2011 Corsos by barrio:

Abasto: Córdoba entre S. de Bustamante y Agüero.

Almagro: Corrientes entre Medrano y Bulnes.

Bajo Núñez: Arias entre V. de Obligado y O’Higgins.

Balvanera: Belgrano entre Saavedra y Pasco.

Barracas: Montes de Oca entre Rocha y Olavarría.

Boedo 1: Boedo entre Independencia y San Juan.

Boedo 2: Belgrano entre Maza y Colombres.

Coghlan: Congreso entre Donado y Lugones.

Caballito: Avellaneda entre Nicasio Oroño y F. Sarmiento.

Colegiales: Lacroze entre Gral. Martínez y Freire.

Flores: Gaona entre Donato Alvarez y Boyacá.

Liniers: Lisandro de la Torre entre Tuyutí e Ibarrola

Lugano 1: Riestra entre Cafayate y Oliden.

Lugano 2: Av. Cruz entre Oliden y Lisandro de La Torre.

Lugano 3: Eva Perón entre Homero y Basualdo.

Mataderos: Alberdi entre Araujo y Escalada.

Monte Castro: Beiró entre Calderón de la Barca y Virgilio.

Monserrat: San Juan entre Solís y Luis Sáenz Peña.

Parque Avellaneda: Directorio entre Olivera y Lacarra.

Paternal 1: Nazca entre Lascano y Baigorria.

Paternal 2: San Martín entre Juan B. Justo y Camarones.

Piedrabuena: 2 de Abril entre Gral Paz y Montiel.

Pompeya 1: Chiclana entre Av. La Plata y Pirovano.

Pompeya 2: Perito Moreno entre Ochoa y Taborda.

Saavedra 1: Balbín entre Plaza y Jaramillo.

Saavedra 2: Balbín entre Pico y Arias.

San Telmo: San Juan entre Chacabuco y Tacuarí.

Villa Crespo: Scalabrini Ortiz entre Corrientes y Velasco.

Villa Pueyrredón: Mosconi entre Terrada y Bolivia.

Villa Urquiza: Triunvirato entre Monroe y Olazábal

Fechas de corsos: 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 y 27 de febrero; y el 5, 6, 7 y 8 de marzo.

Horarios de los corsos: sábados de 19 a 2 y los domingos de 19 a 00.
Remember guys this is the first year since pre military rule that carnival has 2 official holidays so I for one am expecting CKF in election year to host a great party for 9 de julio,plza de mayo etc....may be wrong of course

FYI my local friends use the term murgas for local displays...was in the middle of the dressing room of one last Sat in Caballito and llooking forward to more before March 8th.
Bry33133 said:
Where is the best place to travel to in Argentina to celebrate Carnival?

In Gualeguaychu in Entre Rois is known to have the best carnival in Argentina, but I believe it has already started.
Can anyone advise whether government buildings will be open during this holiday? A friend's elderly mother was planning to visit her municipalidad (out in Berazategui) tomorrow to take care of some paperwork; I'd hate for her to call a remis and get all the way there only to find a locked door.
starlucia said:
Can anyone advise whether government buildings will be open during this holiday? A friend's elderly mother was planning to visit her municipalidad (out in Berazategui) tomorrow to take care of some paperwork; I'd hate for her to call a remis and get all the way there only to find a locked door.

No F***in way!!

Some places closed early on Friday. NOTHING will be open Monday & Tuesday.

This is Argentina. You don't F with feriados!

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