Cat Life In Bsas


Nov 7, 2013

I'm moving to BsAs with my cat in December, was wondering how I might go about finding a pet friendly apartment (under USD $500/mo) in San Telmo for a couple of months. Any ideas?

Thanks much!
Buenos Aires is one of the most pet friendly cities in the world. A particular landlord or landlady might not be, but it would be highly unusual. I think more than half the residents statistically own a pet. Pet supply stores/veterinarians can usually be found within four square blocks. Places that don't allow pets are very rare. Your bigger problem will be finding a place in your price range unless you are willing to share, and being able to find one for more than three months which is the standard short term rental.
I agree with Iacoqueta. We have two Siamese, brother and sister, and they are just two among many animals in our building. They love looking out the window, sleeping, doing cat things, and are now seven. BsAs is very animal friendly indeed, as you will see with people walking around Street dogs who are napping in the middle of a sidewalk.
I love animals, but the feral cats (almost everywhere) and stray dogs (in some barrios) are a plague. If you must increase the local cat population, keep it indoors.