Cbs' "60 Minutes" Airs Very Balanced Report On Nisman Case

Shouldn't the title of the report be "Was the prosecutor killed?"

You caught some bias. ;)

Still, compared to the drivel coming from Argentine media, this report was a breath of fresh air.
Thanks for sharing this. Seemed like a good overview, clearly told.

The only bias I saw was the assumption that Leslie Stahl seemed to have in interviewing Timmerman that Argentina should be more closely aligned with the U.S. I admit I share that assumption, but it is an assumption none-the-less.

Not a big deal, but... on the title, clearly the prosecutor was killed -- either by himself or someone else. So "Was the prosecutor killed?" doesn't strike me as a great title. The question laid out in the report was did he kill himself or did somebody else do it. Not sure I understand why the current title, "Who killed the prosecutor?" shows any bias. "Who murdered the prosecutor?" would obviously show bias. Ok, writing this paragraph was probably a waste of time for me and for you (if you read it) and serves no purpose. Thanks for indulging me.
The only bias I saw was the assumption that Leslie Stahl seemed to have in interviewing Timmerman that Argentina should be more closely aligned with the U.S. I admit I share that assumption, but it is an assumption none-the-less.

Ha! That's exactly what struck me most of the report. It was hard to digest Timmerman's thick accent while speaking perfectly good English. That seeming contradiction alone explains a lot about Argentina's Foreign Policy.
Stahl seems to have a hard time believing in any country aspiring to an "independent foreign policy", one that is neither with nor against the USA (it is after all an ambitious if not pretentious aspiration).

Ambiguity rules. Argentina is in fact a "Major Ally" of the United States (much like Jordan or Pakistan), but let's also remember that Argentina was also, technically, an ally during the last weeks of WWII. Another technicality that shines a lot of light over the "Third Position", its true allegiances, and tactics.
Leslie Stahl needs a coach for pronouncing Buenos Aires and a better plastic surgeon and a brain transplant.
After watching this I really am tipping to the position the Nisman was the victim of manipulated information. And Timmerman is the victim of bad genes.

Chavez enters into the picture?