Coffee Chat - Wed 15 Oct 2014, 4-7Pm (Palermo)

Hi M. since apparently here it's politically correct to ask ! Do members over 50 participate in these events ? :cool: Just asking :rolleyes:

GrassHopper, are you that young?.. 50's? ...I always thought you were much,much younger despite..I, somehow, always thought you
being in the mid-thirties..or I perhaps confused with ceviche-san's avatar pic!
Great meeting everyone, tonight! By far the largest coffee chat ever...19 baexpats!! Until the next one, folks

Thanks for organising it as per usual, you are a star!

Could everyone who went please give GMXam a like or two, she always bumps her coffee chat threads so that the community is aware of them and is therefore getting an undeserved post:like ratio!!

Good to see/meet you all!
