Colonia on a Saturday?


Aug 13, 2009
I have a really simple question! I need to renew my visa and I'd like to go to Uruguay (Colonia) on Saturday, to do so. Are there any problems with making that trip on a weekend? I assume the border patrol will be there stamping passports but I just want to make doubly sure because otherwise, I will need to do it tomorrow - Friday.

EDIT: I just checked Buquebus and it seems they have NO return trips on Saturday. I guess they are sold out, so I will probably go tomorrow or just go to the immigration office in the morning. But I would still love to know the answer for the future, if anyone can offer up their weekend experiences.

thanks in advance! :)
Have you tried the other ones? Colonia Express have a return trip on sat evening (18.30) and there is also another company called Seacat or something, I called them the other day when migraciones wouldn't let me in... fortunately I got my renewal the day after so I didn't have to make the trip, I've´only gone to Uruguay on the buquebus before so I don't know anything about the other lines...
If you do go to migraciones, be sure to be ther early as *** because as I said, I went there at 8.45 and they wouldn't let me in beacuse all the numbers for prorrogas had allready gone.
Thanks, blondie! I was thinking about migraciones for tomorrow, Friday - maybe you can help me with this - if I get there at 8am, at what time do you think I would be out of there? Depending on that, I may do that instead of Colonia, this time. But I will go look at the other boats too; didn't know they existed, so thanks!
Hi again! I guess it´s too late for my answer to be of any help to you, but for anyone else who is wondering: I got there just about 6.30 the second day (i wasn´t kidding when I said early...) and waited in line outside for an hour before we were let in. At about 7 am the queue was like two miles long... At 7.30 they open and you can start to queue up to get in to building six - wich is where you wanna go. As i was there early i got number 6 and was out of there at about 11. At that time they had just called out number 16. So I reckon if you get there at about 8 and there are still numbers you´d probably not get out untill 2 or 3... But I guess it totally depends on how lucky you are with the numbers...
Thanks so much, Blondie! I did go today and my experience was similar to yours, just a couple of hours later. Thanks to getting lost on my way there (the Guia T shows the 1300 block as being about 6 blocks too far to the north; luckily a friendly security guard helped me figure that out!) I arrived around 8:30am. I followed the directions posted elsewhere on this forum and made it back to Building 6 easily. I was given number F 53 and found my way to the place for prorrogas de permanencia. I waited for about 2 hours before they called my number and then it took about another hour after that before I walked out of there. But, I got my stamp and all is well! Thanks for your advice from earlier. Happy Holidays! Felices Fiestas!