Coming to Argentina in 2011


Dec 30, 2010
I am just beginning my research for this 2-3 month trip. I have not decided the best months yet. I am thinking of shoulder seasons, possibly Aug,Sept, Oct.

I will be primarily in BA in an apt and taking day trips to northern towns and in particular to Salta, Iguazu Falls, Cordoba , Mendoza, and fly to Patagonia for 5 days or so, in late Oct. Any suggestions?

I will fly to areas far from BA and bus to closer ones.

I would like to get a 1 bdrm apt in Recoletta area in BA. I hear that it is a lovely part of the city. Centrally located, to be able to walk to many places and public transportation close by.

I travel solo and rent moderately priced apts and enjoy local foods at moderately priced restaurants when I travel.

I am writing travel books for solo travelers and would like to write about this adventure.

I appreciate any help that you may give. I have found that ex-pats have helped me the most as I travel the world, so I look forward to reading some great ideas.
Thank you very much.
Portland, Oregon