Community gardens in capital?


Aug 13, 2009
Hi! I'm interested in getting involved in a community garden / urban garden where I can get my own plot and start growing things, or, perhaps even just volunteer with the organization that operates one, even if I can't do my own growing. Does anyone know if there are any here in Capital?

Thx :)
great idea but sad to say i never have seen or heard of one! let know if you find any!
I think you can start one pretty much any where if you have a bit of string and some pegs.
There's Velatropa in Belgrano

and there used to be one called Huerta Orgazmika on the rail line in Caballito but it was bulldozed about a year ago, not sure if they've started something new, check their blog.
pauper said:
There's Velatropa in Belgrano

and there used to be one called Huerta Orgazmika on the rail line in Caballito but it was bulldozed about a year ago, not sure if they've started something new, check their blog.

No, the one the caballito stop has a small park/plaza in its place, and it's definitely been more than a year (that plaza is on a regular walk I take and I've lived nearby for 1.5 years now, it was gone when I came), but if you walk along the back wall near the tracks you can read all the sad graffiti memorializing the huerta there. Kind of heartbreaking, really. Pauper, thanks for the link to velatropa! I didn't know about this, might have to go visit one of these afternoons.

Hepdoll, I think you're going to have a hard time finding what you're looking for at large in the city, unfortunately. In my opinion, there are already so many problems with people being able to feed/house themselves, that even if there were a plot of land growing veggies I don't think it would last for very long in a public space. I just don't think the culture here is ready to support that in general, sadly. The organization velatropa gives me hope. I'd expect to see the evolution of this starting in wealthier barrios (like belgrano) and then hopefully infiltrating the city. I hope that I'm wrong and just haven't seen it.
INTA, a gubernamental organization very important in rural areas across the country has a program all around the country, including Capital Federal, the name of the program is PRO HUERTA.
The phone number is 4331 9366 and the email is [email protected].

You can search about PRO HUERTA on line.

p/s: Remember the responsible staff might be on vacations!
You might find it disillusioning to never eat the fruits of your labour but if you are into the concept of guerilla gardening - like the Incredible Edible project on this Guardian video who knows: you might start a whole new way of looking at food in your barrio.

I used to know a woman who dug up the grass verge between the sidewalk and the road outside her house and planted it out with vegetables. I might have some pictures somewhere. Nobody ever stole her crops - but that was in Rio Gallegos and a few years ago.