Convalidación - Converting Foreign Qualificactions


Sep 21, 2011

I was wondering if anyone has gone through the process of getting their degree (specifically a degree in Speech & Language Pathology would be great) recognized here in Argentina. What's the process like? How long does it take? Is it very expensive? Is it necessary?

This year I got married to an Argentine. We had been living together for 3 years here in Santa Cruz. I have a BA in linguistics right now, but I would really love to continue my education and get a MS degree in Speech & Language Pathology. I was considering starting all over here and simply enrolling in Fonoaudiologia in Córdoba, but when I compared the curriculum to programs in the US, I liked the programs in the US a lot better. Needless to say, if I study in the University of Nebraska (like I want to) I would receive an MS whereas here I would only get a Licenciatura.

What worries me, is that my husband and I would like to live in the US briefly, but we think our future is here in Argentina. So, if I go to all the trouble of studying (in the US), will my degree even be worth anything here?

I know I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but whatever choice I make I want to be well informed.

I'd love to hear your insights!