Cuba: Brazil's Already There.


Apr 1, 2014
In the recent U.S.interest to reinvest in Cuba will have to compete with Brazil who has already been there for quite a whlle.Odebrecht's latest U$D 207 million mega project ;the reconstruction of Havana's international airport completed not too long after its refurbishing of the Port of Miami,is sure to be rightfully applauded by the airline industry.With this and other projects Brazil "has seen it coming " in Cuba for some time.I remember taking the aptly named Marco Polo Brazlian buses there in 2005.Once again,Brazil moves ahead in L.A. increasing its thrust and influence.Except for some demonstrations last year in front of Brazil's embassy in La Paz,Bolivia against their highway projects,I can not recall any real problems they have had.Clarin's story last week,"Una Denuncia de Brasil,Con Reprecusion En El Mundo" says a lot for its growing influence.Sunday's Wall Street Journal echoes this well by advising its readers to take seriously VEJA's expose of the Iran-Venezuela-Argentina triangle.This in spite of its tiny circulation in Brazil of only one million.Go figure!