Daily Url, Apr 12


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Sep 22, 2012
Sunday, 12 April

Daily Pics 132 : Parque de la Costa[The Silver River - Buenos Aires Daily]
Daily Pics 132 : Parque de la Costa

Saturday, 11 April

Intestines... Yum![The Life Less Travelled]
Three days ago my friend convinced me to go to a parrilla (grill) which has the best chinchulines in Buenos Aires. I assumed that anything cooked at a parrilla must be good.After accepting the invitat...

Friday, 10 April

Part I: How to Rent a Temporary Furnished Apartment in Buenos Aires[micheleandtom.com]
Lucky for you, we have rented four apartments in Buenos Aires, and several vacation rental homes throughout Argentina and Uruguay. Now we’re going to pass on what we’ve learned about the...

The Ins and Outs of Camping in Argentina[Argentina's Travel Guide]
Frost in Tierra del Fuego, All photos by Meike Schuring Camping is the best way to explore the natural wonderland that is Argentina.* You can follow Che´s footsteps along Ruta 40, uncover the s...

Top 5 Shopping Malls in Buenos Aires[Buenos Aires Tips]
The favorable exchange rate between most major currencies and the Argentine peso entices many tourists to head to the mall.*Note that stores list prices in Argentine pesos, not US dollars. DonR...

Thursday, 09 April

distrust of the man[Yillabean]
I had a meeting with my boss this morning (more on that later. as always she deserves her own post) . something i found odd was that she told me to be careful of " dengue fever ". when i told her ...

bad boss bad[Yillabean]
I met with my boss this morning. we met to discuss my news students for next week. as usual she got my knickers into a knot. she doesn't treat me with respect or like i have a brain. maybe i'm ex...

Japanese designer Kenzo opens art exhibition in Buenos Aires[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
The world famous Japanese artist and designer, Kenzo Takada , opened his art exhibition in Buenos Aires, the first one featuring his plastic work in Latin America, at the new art gallery Lordi Arte...

CFK, Obama Together In Controversial Video[The Argentine Post]
In the video, in which a quiet and relatively reserved Cristina Fernández is seen repeatedly, Obama is shown in a closed-door meeting with other G20 presidents who gathered in London last week.

The easy visa: 5 must know facts[Sallycat's Adventures]
Taking a trip to a place with a name that sounds like ‘caramelo’ (candy) or caramel has got to be an easy ‘get a new tourist visa for Argentina’ option hasn’t it? Hell, no sooner had Carlos uttered t...
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