Daily Url, Feb 26


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
Thursday, 26 February

Mar Chiquita, an inland sea in the middle of Argentina[argentinalook]
Mar Chiquita is a large saltwater lagoon that is located in the province of Cordoba in central Argentina. One of the biggest lake area of Argentina and one of the largest salt lakes in the planet...

Argentina gets a taste of microfinance[Financial Times]
The lunchtime trade at Miriam Flores’ restaurant in the immigrant neighbourhood of Liniers in Buenos Aires is as lively as the Bolivian music blaring from the speakers on the walls...

Wednesday, 25 February

La Plata Cathedral[Buenos Aires Photographer - Big Photos of Buenos Aires]
The interior of La Plata's cathedral. Dating from the 19th century, it's built in a gothic revival style and is one of the largest churches in Argentina. I didn't get any good shots of the exter...

Expat Tech: Downloading Content Overseas[Discover Buenos Aires]
As expats, we may be away from our home countries, but it’s always nice to have a taste of home from time to time.* That’s probably why so many of us actually buy the*crappy Skippy peanut...

Slow Gluttony[In search of Macondo]
In two months living in Buenos Aires, I have not once been confronted with the shocking sight of obesity, one which appeared in abundance within two hours of transiting in New York.

Tuesday, 24 February

February, The Month The Ship Started Sinking[The Argentine Post]
N A CONTROVERSIAL COLUMN in the Financial Times earlier this month, economist Martin Wolf asked if the Obama administration has already failed:
“In normal times, this would be a ludicrous...

What is that Smell on my Pork Chops?[micheleandtom.com]
On Sunday, in a Jumbo-induced shopping haze (similar to an Ikea-induced shopping haze), Tom purchased the pepper ( pimienta ) pictured here. (Pepper is not a commonly-used spice in Argentina. We...

Argentina Polo Tour 2009 - Third Stage: Tortugas Country Club - Palermo[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
The third stage of Argentina Polo Tour 2009 will be played between Saturday, February 28 and Saturday, March 7 , at Tortugas Country Club and at the Campo Argentino de Polo, in Palermo. Ten t...

Menem Invited to Speak at Duke University[Listen, Yankee!]
Former president of Argentina Carlos Menem, who is in the middle of a trial for arms trafficking, was invited by the Latin American Student Association of Duke Univeristy’s MBA program as a keynote speaker for the “Doing Business in Latin America” conference...

Monday, 23 February

Argentinean folklore[The Life Less Travelled]
Following on from the last post , here are a few images of the concert. These are some people dancing folklore - which is quite particular and different from other dances I've seen. It involves...

Maradona: Benjamín is 60% Maradona and 40% Agüero[Inside World Soccer]
Argentina coach Diego Maradona has declared his happiness at becoming a grandfather, saying the birth of his first grandson is "the greatest happiness you can have."
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