Daily Url, Mar 22


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
Sunday, 22 March

Love at first aria[Science Centric]
Through his observation of middle class opera fans who stand on the upper floors of the Colon Opera House in Buenos Aires, Claudio Benzecry from the University of Connecticut in the USA sheds light on what it takes to develop a true passion for opera...

Being a bad ass has it benefits[Buenos Aires through my eyes]
My friends were rehearsing at Parque Centenario last week since they were selected to participate in a festival called " Danza en paisajes urbanos " (Dance is urban landscapes) so they were p...

Legacy of a 'disappeared' family in Argentina[The Japan Times]
Politics can have a devastating effect on a country and its people, as I discovered during a recent trip to Argentina.

Saturday, 21 March

At Mumbai[Buenos Aires Daily]
There are a few Indian restaurants in the city. Mumbai, in Palermo, is one of them. Mumbai is very decent, the service’s good and the waiter/waitresses friendly. The food’s really tasty, ...

p is for positive[Yillabean]
a week or two ago i was on my way to a party with an argentine friend. it was dark out, but i think i may have stepped in 'caca de perro' (dog poo). 'damn it' i said, to which my argentine friend re...

Friday, 20 March

¿En serio?[In search of Macondo]
It seems that whilst one can adapt to cultural differences with time, there are elements of Buenos Aires which remain beyond my reach of logic. Under the burden of such peculiarities ...

The Ugi's Index[Buenos Aires Photographer - Big Photos of Buenos Aires]
Ugi's is a simple, working class pizzaria chain in Buenos Aires. They serve cheap and, let's be honest, rather crappy pizza. I remember on my first trip to Buenos Aires in 1997 I ate there every ...

Great Buildings of Buenos Aires: Biblioteca Nacional[Places to visit in Argentina]
In Buenos Aires you can find lots of things to do and visit, but one thing I really like about Buenos Aires is its architecture. There are lots of great buildings in Buenos...

Argentine farmers in food strike[BBC]
Farmers in Argentina are launching a seven-day strike to protest against the government's agricultural policies.

Thursday, 19 March

Kragen whistling[Beatrice M's blog]
Nocturna invite using my photo from 2008 , originally uploaded by blmurch . My in-laws are here for a visit this week and we've been seeing the sights of Buenos Aires. One of the highlights...

Buddy Bears[The Silver River]
Today Mia and I went on a little adventure. Well it wasn't that adventurous. We took the bus down to Plaza San Martin to check out the Buddy Bears. See here. To be honest I wasn't that into it, but th...

5th International Biennial of Textile Art[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
The 5th International Biennial of Textile Art will be held from April 1st to 25th, 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, organized by the World Textile Art Organization (WTA), a non-profit organizatio...

Protest against crime[The Silver River]
Yesterday while I was taking a walk I came across a large protest in Plaza de Mayo. It was a demonstration against crime. It was interesting to witness, at first I didn't know what it was about but wa...

Buenos Aires construction industry optimistic about mid term recovery[Mercopress]
Following five years of strong growth the construction industry in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires has begun a new cycle. In 2008 the total number of construction permits ... represents a contraction of 20.3% compared to 2007...
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