Damn the Tea-party, Full Speed Ahead (for a Progresssive President)!

I stated this thread almost eleven months ago. Here are several related soties just from the past two weeks:

Obama Won't Wait For Congress to Act on Jobs - ABC News

21 hours ago – As Barack Obama's $447 billion jobs bill heads toward its first big hurdle in the Senate, the ... identify all those areas in which we can act administratively without additional congressional authorization, and just get it done,” the ...


19 Senators Tell Obama To Stop Bypassing Congress:

29 Sep 2011 – In a letter sent to President Obama, the Senators cite a June 17th ... prosecutorial discretion and administrative closure of cases pending before the courts. ... bypass Congress,' and people in the audience said, 'Yes you can,' ...


Will Obama bypass Congress on climate rules? - CNN Money

9 Oct 2009 – If Congress won't get the job done on climate change, President Obama has a way to do it ... Will Obama bypass Congress on climate rules? ...

I stated this thread almost eleven months ago. Here are several related stories from the past two weeks:

Obama Won't Wait For Congress to Act on Jobs - ABC News

21 hours ago – As Barack Obama's $447 billion jobs bill heads toward its first big hurdle in the Senate, the ... identify all those areas in which we can act administratively without additional congressional authorization, and just get it done,” the ...


19 Senators Tell Obama To Stop Bypassing Congress:

29 Sep 2011 – In a letter sent to President Obama, the Senators cite a June 17th ... prosecutorial discretion and administrative closure of cases pending before the courts. ... bypass Congress,' and people in the audience said, 'Yes you can,' ...


Will Obama bypass Congress on climate rules? - CNN Money

9 Oct 2009 – If Congress won't get the job done on climate change, President Obama has a way to do it ... Will Obama bypass Congress on climate rules? ...

steveinbsas said:
It looks like those who favor a progressive agenda but fear that gridlock is on the horizon may not have too much to worry about, after all...and the new Republican majority in Congress (and those who elected them) can just stuff it.


(I wasn't really hisssing. It was just a typo.:D)

It will be fun to watch him try. Of course you know it won't fly and the house will BURN even more than it already is.
steve are you yet another modern Cato trying to prevent the demise of the Republic when the latter ceased to exist around before you were born? as garet garrett said, the revolution WAS. executive power is immune from typical criticism of politicians. people want a strong character to get da job done - nevermind the people hasn t defined the job, anyone with some history bacground knows a cause is hijacked faster than an msg board thread.