December Book Club Meeting:monday, 30 Of Dec

Alicia karr

Sep 21, 2010
Hi readers! Just a quick reminder that we will be discussing Cormac McCarthy's "Cities of the Plains" at our December meeting, MONDAY (because of holiday conflicts) the 30 of December, 7:00pm at my place in Recoleta. Anyone want to add an end of the year pot luck dinner to the meeting??
All are welcome. Please advise me if you plan on coming, and let me know if you want to turn this into a pot luck dinner ather the book discussion.
I'll join you guys, I'm not sure what I'm making yet but it will be either Italian or American, if I can find the ingredients.
My wife and I would be interested in joining you at the book club. If you like I can bring the ice cream unless there are other requests.

Edit : I just looked the book up in the Amazon store and it is the third book of a trilogy. There is very little chance we will have time to read all three by the end of the month so we may have to bow out for this month.
Hi northerner,
Not to worry, we are ONLY reading City of the Plains...not the other two.! We would love to have you guys and the ice cream would be great. I'll send you the address via PM
So far we have: curries, sesame noodles, another surprise dish, ice-cream, wines, ...oh that's right, this is supposed to be about Books! (Tee hee!)