Declaring electronics when leaving Argentina?


Feb 3, 2008
Has anyone declared their electronics when leaving Argentina so that they can more easily bring them back in when they return? I seem to remember there is a way to do this at the airport.

We're leaving with a MacBook Pro, iPad, two iPhones and a GPS, and of course, planning on coming back in with these and more when we return.

I was wondering if this process makes sense and also, where do we go to do this?

(I have permanent residency and my wife is Argentine, so this is more that just a simple expat coming back in with stuff. We'll be more scrutinized.)

Unless it's been changed (again!) you can register them with the customs window next to the Continental check-in.
Sleuth said:
(I have permanent residency and my wife is Argentine, so this is more that just a simple expat coming back in with stuff. We'll be more scrutinized.)


You will see the line when you check in. It is between the United and Continental counters. The will want to see the serial numbers of all your items to record them on a form that they will give to you.

It is a hassle but it is worth it to have those items documented when you come back into the country. I went through the process 3 months ago with a IBM Thinkpad (old), Ipod Touch and a $20.00 cell phone. They said I did not have to declare any of those things.

Arriving back into Argentina 2 weeks later, I went through customs and they were going to go through my bags. They stopped when I showed them my US Passport. Customs has never looked inside my passport in the 10 times that I have returned to the country so I would leave the fact that you are a resident to yourself.

Have a nice trip.