Discrimination against foreigners


Mar 25, 2007
I've heard a couple of stories about foreigners being harassed because of Corona, Has anyone experienced discrimination due to Corona, i.e. being blamed for the virus and mistreated?
I guess it depends if you are Italian or Chinese surely? Not that I think it’s acceptable either way just to clarify
Not really
People on a barrio wanted a Chino market closed because A Chinese woman had just arrived from China
Heard Cabs don't stop for Asians
Heard that Apartment owners complain about Airbnb leasing to foreigners in their Buildings
Well now not many tourists coming in..! Time to renegotiate rates..!
I heard about a US citizen (not Asian) who arrived before the quarantine was announced. His building administrator harassed him so much that he had to move out. Decided to return to the US.
I've had some coworkers return before the quarantine was implemented. We've had issues with the locals not wanting to work with them in the office. A other one of my coworkers was asked about his status when trying to go to the gym recently. Yes the locals are discriminating.
I've had some coworkers return before the quarantine was implemented. We've had issues with the locals not wanting to work with them in the office. A other one of my coworkers was asked about his status when trying to go to the gym recently. Yes the locals are discriminating.

I fear that this will be worse than the Malvinas period when anyone who looked 'English' and had an accent was suspect. Then it was just nationalism. Now people will be scared for their lives. Everything is completely uncertain. No-one has any idea how long this plague will continue and even after it ends foreigners could be mistreated. Asians will of course suffer the most.
Fear, apprehension, concern, certainly.
Discrimination is too big a word right now.

Very likely a same amount of locals are wondering how to help foreigners right now, less publicity.
