DNI Question for all you knowledgable types


Feb 20, 2011
Hi, I thought I'd register here to ask a question from all of you who may know much better than I about something:

I was born in Argentina to two American parents, but grew up from 2 onward in the USA.

Recently, I've been in a certain MERCOSUL country, and in trying to get a visa to last longer than 6 months, realized with great joy the fact that I was born in Argentina, and am in fact, Argentine as a result. Looking into the files my parents kept confirmed that I had received an Argentine birth certificate, passport and DNI when I was very young.

My question is this:

What will be involved in me bringing my DNI up to date as of now? I'm told by the Argentine consulate that the fastest way would be a trip to Buenos Aires. Does anyone know how long it would take there, and also, whether services exist for this purpose or if it can be done by proxy with a power of attorney? The consulate says I could do it there, but it would take 8 months, which for sure means a long wait back in the States before I'll be welcome back into Brazil (oops, I said it...) :D

The reason I ask about my DNI is because I'm pretty sure that I can enter Brazil for up to six months on my DNI, and during that time I could be getting my Argentine passport, or if nothing else, after six months are up as an Argentine, six months as an American would be allowable.
Sorry, in reviewing I saw that one detail really wasn't clear:

What would take 8 months would be doing it via the consulate in Salvador, not doing it in Buenos Aires. The consular worker was under the impression that it may take only a few days in Buenos Aires.
I think you are under an unusual situation. Let me tell you from Buenos Aires that last year the government launched a new DNI, which is composed of a booklet that you need only to vote and a card (with electronic information). The government invested a lot of money into develop the technology it implies and there are some campaigns to promote the citizens to obtain the new DNI.

I suggest you to visit the webite to found more info or to make phone calls from them. The website is www.nuevodni.gov.ar

There are several points to obtain DNIs in Capital Federal, One is to make an appointment by phone to RENAPER and go to Av Paseo Colon 1093. They send the DNI to you address in two days. The second is to contact the Municipalidad and go to the CGP (Centro de Gestion y Participacion). They deliver the DNI in a couple of months. Also, you can go to a shopping mall early in the morning, where the first 60-70 people will get the new DNI very soon.

I think it would be easier for you to obtain your DNI having your birth certificate available.

I hope this helps.
Get your ass over here and do it in one week or two at the most bring all your papers, yank passport and a criminal antecedents report from the FBI ask the Argentine consulate from where you are for more information on this, if you born in Argentina you are an Argentine for life, remember that when you enter this country Argentina will not recognize any passport before the law you are under Argentine law and under their constitution as any Argentine on the land.

ah! before I forget bring some document, said drivers license for example or receipt of where you are residing as a proof, they want to make sure you are residing in the exterior and not in the country. Good luck!

Welcome back pibe/piba.
Some really good details, thanks so much people. Pibe it is, if my understanding of Spanish serves me.

Do many people speak English over there? Otherwise I'll be miming my way through Buenos Aires.
Okay pibe :D

Porteño Slang

There are many Yanks, Irish, English, Kiwis, Aussies, Canadians and the rest of it, all crazy people so you won't be alone.....but will be good if you start to learn some 'castellano' and a bit of slang to mingle with your peers from the land of your birth.
I read that you are only allowed to get the DNI card if you already have the DNI libreta....you can't get the libreta at the new places like shopping malls...
I just got off the phone with the Argentine consulate here... Apparently I do have a valid birth certificate, but it's not the right one. It's some older form that they don't use any more. So I have to go to Mar del Plata where I was born to request a new one, as if I do it in person, it could be gotten in a few days.

Now the interesting thing is, she did advise me to do it in a shopping mall, as Roxanne said.

So my biggest question right now is, do they have these same things in shopping malls where I could get it done quickly in Mar del Plata? It'd be pretty nifty if I could get it all done there.