Do I need a DNI to drive across the border to Chile?


Jan 23, 2023

I have residency, I own a car that is licensed in Argentina, but I do not have a DNI. Can I travel across the border and back?

I have residency, I own a car that is licensed in Argentina, but I do not have a DNI. Can I travel across the border and back?
Nope, you need a physical and valid DNI to cross the border. Or an Argentinian passport, but I guess you don't have one. And only permanent residents of Argentina are allowed to enter Chile without their passport.
An Argentino driver can drive your car or someone with DNI, and a Cedula Azul ?

Rental cars can be driven by tourists if allowed by rental
Nope, you need a physical and valid DNI to cross the border. Or an Argentinian passport, but I guess you don't have one. And only permanent residents of Argentina are allowed to enter Chile without their passport.
Bumping an old thread:

The last sentence reads pretty clear, but I just want to confirm. I have a valid DNI and permanent Argentine residence, but I'm not a citizen. My passport expired a few months ago. Am I okay to go to Chile using just my DNI and not bring my expired passport?
Bumping an old thread:

The last sentence reads pretty clear, but I just want to confirm. I have a valid DNI and permanent Argentine residence, but I'm not a citizen. My passport expired a few months ago. Am I okay to go to Chile using just my DNI and not bring my expired passport?
Yes, that's what the agreement between the two countries says, permanent residents of either can travel to the other country with only their DNI.

Just a heads-up, Chile is going through a particularly xenophobic period at the moment, so your experience on the ground could possibly be different. Maybe someone who's done it recently can comment.
Bumping an old thread:

The last sentence reads pretty clear, but I just want to confirm. I have a valid DNI and permanent Argentine residence, but I'm not a citizen. My passport expired a few months ago. Am I okay to go to Chile using just my DNI and not bring my expired passport?
Why not bring your expired passport and only offer it if you run into trouble?
Why not bring your expired passport and only offer it if you run into trouble?
I should have said not use my expired passport as opposed to not bring. I've had experiences in the past where trying to use an expired driver's license just to prove my identity was rejected. Bureaucrats are trained to stick to rules and procedures and ignore common sense, so if I run into problems I doubt showing my recently expired passport would get me anywhere. But it wouldn't hurt to bring it. I'm just trying to preemptively avoid any kind of bad situation.
Things to consider to cross to Chile

According to ARCA ex AFIP travelers

To travel to Chile in your (Argentina plate) owned car, you will need in addition to your DNI the following documentation:

  1. A current and valid driver's license.
  2. Vehicle insurance with international coverage.
  3. If you are the owner of the vehicle, a valid Cedula Verde or vehicle title.
  4. If you are not the owner, a valid Blue Card or Cedula Verde with the owner's authorization to take the vehicle abroad. The authorization can be one of the following:
  5. Form "OM-2261 – Temporary Exit and Admission of Vehicles, Argentine-Chilean Agreement," in original and duplicate, with the signature certified by the corresponding customs authority according to the vehicle owner's address. In this case, the Green Card must be valid.
  6. Power of attorney to drive and remove the vehicle from the country, granted before a notary public. In this case, a valid Green Card is not required.
  7. The vehicle must have the registration number engraved on, at least, the front windshield and rear window. For vehicles with six or more windows, the vehicle must also be engraved on the largest side windows. If the number of windows is less than six, the engraving must be done on all of them.

If you are traveling in a rented vehicle, you will need:
  1. A current and valid driver's license.
  2. Authorization for Circulation in MERCOSUR (ACM) issued by the renting company.
  3. The renting company must be registered in the Argentine Customs Rent a Car registry and authorized to exit the country through the chosen crossing.

Why not bring your expired passport and only offer it if you run into trouble?
You may bring your expired passport, but don't show it to anyone at the border unless you are looking for problems.