C cruizes Registered Joined Jun 30, 2010 Messages 555 Likes 184 Feb 19, 2011 #1 Does anyone know a gentleman named WEBB ELKINS? He left something and I would like to return to him. Thanks
Does anyone know a gentleman named WEBB ELKINS? He left something and I would like to return to him. Thanks
M mini Registered Joined Apr 7, 2008 Messages 2,375 Likes 438 Feb 19, 2011 #2 If all else fails, he seems to be on linked in. Do a google search of his name and you will find him. Assuming of course there is no other person on linked in in Argentina with that name.
If all else fails, he seems to be on linked in. Do a google search of his name and you will find him. Assuming of course there is no other person on linked in in Argentina with that name.