El Clan

Alicia karr

Sep 21, 2010
I don't watch a lot of Argentine film because watching movies for me has always been synonymous with relax and escape and needing to translate seemed too much like needing to work mentally..
However I strongly recommend the movie El Clan for any of you with a decent level of Spanish. It's extremely well done, chilling, and a true story that many of my Argie friends lived through. The acting also was some of the best I've ever seen. A great movie IMHO. It also scared the mierda out of me...how easily we can be fooled about who people really are. Anyone else see it?
Great movie. And gives you a new respect for Francella, if you've ever seen him in Casado Con Hijos or in Pone a Francella, this movie shows you he really can act!!! Chilling story! I wasn't keen on the blurry backgrounds in a lot of the shots. Or maybe I need to get my eyes checked...... ;)
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