Argentines and overseas visitors are welcome to TalkTime
Most talktimes are in English. For more options, see:
Political (Pol); Thematic (Th); Spanish (Sp); French (Fr); Italian (It); German (Ge);
Portuguese (Pt); Greek (Gk); Multilingual (Mu); Happy Hour (HH); Invitation (Inv)
For full information about a talktime, double-click the calendar listing
and then click on the café name in the new window
-- or e-mail us your request or call 15 55933849
Recoleta (Pol)
English talktime on Politics
(Argentine Politics & Intl Politics)
The Coffee Store
Las Heras 1822 (at Callao)
we meet in the first floor
Monday, 30-July-2007
Repeat Type:
Monday, 23-July-2007 (every Week, Mon)
60 minutes
Created by:
Sunday, 22-July-2007 12:56
Las Heras 1822 (casi esq. Callao)
nos reunimos en el primer piso
Talktime de Política Argentina e Internacional
Talktime en francés Todos los Lunes de 18 a 19
Talktime en inglés Todos los Lunes de 19 a 20
Agradecemos la colaboración de la Dra. Aurora Couretot
Health Insurance Broker - 15 6180 1556
Most talktimes are in English. For more options, see:
Political (Pol); Thematic (Th); Spanish (Sp); French (Fr); Italian (It); German (Ge);
Portuguese (Pt); Greek (Gk); Multilingual (Mu); Happy Hour (HH); Invitation (Inv)
For full information about a talktime, double-click the calendar listing
and then click on the café name in the new window
-- or e-mail us your request or call 15 55933849
Recoleta (Pol)
English talktime on Politics
(Argentine Politics & Intl Politics)
The Coffee Store
Las Heras 1822 (at Callao)
we meet in the first floor
Monday, 30-July-2007
Repeat Type:
Monday, 23-July-2007 (every Week, Mon)
60 minutes
Created by:
Sunday, 22-July-2007 12:56
Las Heras 1822 (casi esq. Callao)
nos reunimos en el primer piso
Talktime de Política Argentina e Internacional
Talktime en francés Todos los Lunes de 18 a 19
Talktime en inglés Todos los Lunes de 19 a 20
Agradecemos la colaboración de la Dra. Aurora Couretot
Health Insurance Broker - 15 6180 1556