Entering Argentina without a cell phone/cell service


May 28, 2010
The requirements for entering Argentina seem to require a cell phone. The ar.gov sites say to download PDFs, install contract tracing apps, etc. What can be done if you DO NOT have cell phone service?

My wife does uses an old cell phone, to keep in touch with family in Argentina utilizing WhatsApp by WIFI. Nothing more. Is there a way we can do everything necessary using this so we don't have problems upon arrival at Ezeiza? The phone is from Argentina and has a Movistar SIM without credit. If not, what?

If it isn't already obvious, I know absolutely nothing about cell phones (and I can hear you laughing... ;=)
Print paper copies of everything.
I don't recall needing a tracing app.
You'll just have to fill everything out on computer before leaving.
Half the folks in Arg don't have smart phones either. You'll be ok. Just print everything like it's 1990. Theyll love you.
You will need to use cuidar app but it should have an online version for pc.
So you should have either pc or cellphone or maybe will work with some tablet, if you have nothing you will have to go to some librería or a place where argentinians who have no gadgets go to make online sort of trámites

"La descarga de la app es voluntaria, excepto en el caso de las personas que ingresan desde el exterior, en cuyo caso es obligatoria según la Disposición 1771/2020 de la Dirección de Migraciones."
You will need to use cuidar app but it should have an online version for pc.
So you should have either pc or cellphone or maybe will work with some tablet, if you have nothing you will have to go to some librería or a place where argentinians who have no gadgets go to make online sort of trámites

"La descarga de la app es voluntaria, excepto en el caso de las personas que ingresan desde el exterior, en cuyo caso es obligatoria según la Disposición 1771/2020 de la Dirección de Migraciones."

While this is the regulation, I've never seen or heard of it being enforced, maybe someone else has?
My wife has dual ARG/U.S. citizenship but will travel with U.S. passport as the ARG has expired. Her DNI is good, I have Permanent Residence DNI. Both totally vaxed and boosted. So we should be okay if we just print copies of every document possible?

We will still need to complete the DDJJ online within 48 hours before leaving, and this can be done with PC, correct? The cuidar app won't be a problem I hope, as I didn't find a PC version, only Android. We will be bringing our laptop in any case.

Thanks all... the help is greatly appreciated! :=)
I just saw a message on Tripadvisor stating that effective 30DEC21 the DDJJ no longer requires uploading PCR and health insurance docs.

"December 30th uploading those documents is no longer required. The new regulation states that you must carry those documents at all time during 14 days after arrival in the country,"

Just in case anyone needs to know this.
My wife has dual ARG/U.S. citizenship but will travel with U.S. passport as the ARG has expired. Her DNI is good, I have Permanent Residence DNI. Both totally vaxed and boosted. So we should be okay if we just print copies of every document possible?

We will still need to complete the DDJJ online within 48 hours before leaving, and this can be done with PC, correct? The cuidar app won't be a problem I hope, as I didn't find a PC version, only Android. We will be bringing our laptop in any case.

Thanks all... the help is greatly appreciated! :=)

The PC version was called like "web version" or "web-app", somthing like that. But you are right, there seem to be left only smartphone apps. So weird.I remember it was this web version some time ago... Sorry for inconvinience.