Expat, But The Other Way Around!


Apr 18, 2013
Hey, I'm an expat, but not like you guys, who are american, english, etc. and are living in Argentina.

My case is totally the other way around, I'm an Argentine living in the US.

Anyways, Hi! :)
Hi, welcome to the forum! How's life treating you in the US - have you moved there just recently?
Yes, only about 4 months ago.

I'm really enjoying it here. The culture is way different from what I had back in Argentina
Bethesda, MD (DC Metro Area)

I lived in the District for a few months while teaching at George Washington, and really enjoyed it. Still, I don't miss the political immersion that's almost obligatory there (something, of course, that no Porteño could possibly imagine!).
But the whole political structure is different, republicans and democrats don't disagree much, meanwhile in Arg, everything is so diverse that you always disagree with someone :p
But the whole political structure is different, republicans and democrats don't disagree much, meanwhile in Arg, everything is so diverse that you always disagree with someone :p

No, the Republicans are the Peronists of the North. Their motto: "If we can't govern, we'll do everything in our power to ensure that YOU can't."
But way softer IMO. The peronists are way more corrupt and willing to do even worse then republicans to take out the competing power
But way softer IMO. The peronists are way more corrupt and willing to do even worse then republicans to take out the competing power

No, the Republicans have a truly vicious disdain toward their opponents, especially toward those they perceive as undeserving (i.e., the poor).