Expat Lunch Saturday May 29


Jul 27, 2006
It's been a while since we've had an expat lunch and there have been a number of requests to meet on Saturday, so the next lunch will be on Saturday, May 29 at 1PM at the restaurant MAIZALES (tenador libre).

The address is Monroe 2801 (at the corner with Vidal) in Belgrano. Vidal is four blocks south of Cabilo. The closest subte station is Juramento on linea D.

We've had previous lunches at "ONE" and "DELY-WOK" but this restaurant is much better! The cost is 43 pesos plus drink and tips.

Please RSVP on this thread or send me a PM. This will be the last lunch I host prior to my move to the South in June. I hope see some familiar faces as well as new ones! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!
Great lunch Steve look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow .
Wish I could attend (we are staying only a few blocks from the restaurant) but made other plans yesterday with relatives. Are any dinners planned for the following week? I have been here three weeks and was hoping to put some faces to the names on the forum....one more week before returning to the U.S. :-(
Looks like the plans with my relatives are changed to Sunday now. Count me and my husband in.....2 more! See you all at 1PM.