Experiencia Endeavor 2016.


Apr 1, 2014
As has been customary for the last few years the 2016 Endeavor Experience was held last Tuesday,June 22,at the Usina del Arte in La Boca with about 2,000 people in attendance.
Highlights to report:
!) New government regulations for Argentina's 520,000 small and medium sized businesses which supply about 70% of the country's employment.The idea is to create a "ventanilla unica" or "one stop" step for paperwork for opening new businesses and other related matters. 2) To host the 1st Latin American version of the World Economic Forum to be held here in 2017.
·3) The usual Meet The Companies open house to discuss ways and means to optimize different business processes here which was a concern of another poster a while back.
In the end analysis,another worthwhile endeavor experience.
As a sequel to the above the federal gov't. will be offering Fondo Semilla-A Seed Fund- tomorrow July 1,'16. at the Teatro San Martin.
" Convert your idea into a sustainable business " My friends from Zolvers will be some of the local success story speakers.
Could answer some more questions for posters concerned about business start ups in Argentina
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