Fixing up my exchange


Mar 24, 2011

I posted a couple of months ago and you were really helpful!
I have been accepted to the University of Belgrano for a year and I am now figuring out the rest for the year.
I will be coming over around the 25.07 and I have still some questions :)
The facts are :
I don't speak a word of spanish, however I learn languages pretty quick, have some background in Latin and French and I am already at the stage that I can figure out directions , simple instructions and bus timetables (in spain) without much of a problem)

I will be on a budget of 1000-1200 Euros (USD 1400-1700) a month.

The questions I would have now:

Does it make sense to look for accommodation beforehand or will i be more likely to find something when I arrive (the Uni offers me a small room for USD 475 in Belgrano...)

Any recommendations for a cheap but good hostel?

Where are the best spanish courses? Does it makes sense to study on my own and just get sometimes someone to tutor me - as I said I am pretty disciplined and learned english by watching movies and reading books (having a dictionary at hand - and later on without, learning from the context)

Are there any younger expat people around (20-25) that would take me out partying ?

What should I take care of before I leave good old europe (except electronic of course), is there anything I absolutley won't b able to get in BsAs?
As a former Univ of Belgrano student, DONT live with any of their host families! I would just find a room on Craigslist with some other young people.